Breaking Through the Noise
Independent Television Service Supports domestic and international indie filmmakers 100 hours of programming to TV Engages audiences online and on the ground
Stories Change Lives Authentic Voices Independent Producers Credible and Compelling Two parts of the brain: stats vs. stories
More Distraction Than Ever Multi-tasking alongside TV 33% using mobile apps 37% browsing the web 40% on social networks 56% texting Americans are consuming 3x as much information as they did thirty years ago
Attention Paradox Direct connection to audiences + a wide range of free tools and yet, The cost of attention has gone up
Attention Paradox “It used to be that you could connect five dots and sell a million records, now there are 20 dots you can connect to sell a million records” - Julie Greenwald Atlantic Records
Content + Promotion + Engagement = 360 CONTENT ENGAGEMENTPROMOTION 360 all blended
Henry Jenkins
Participatory Storytelling
UGC Contest
Digital Games
HTML 5 & Web Native Cinema
“ None of us is creative as all of us” - Steve Jobs