Wild Turkey ( Milagros gallop) Male Turkey. Female Turkey. Map of summer/winter territories. Common Food Sources: Acorns, nuts, fruits, insects, salamanders, etc.
American Robin (Urdus moratoriums) Male American Robin Female American Robin Map of summer/winter territories. Food Sources: Small insects, spiders, and worms.
Eastern Bluebird (Scalia sails) Male Eastern Bluebird. Female Eastern Bluebird. Map of summer/winter territories. Food Sources: Small insects, berries, fruits, mealworms, etc.
Northern Cardinal (Cardinals cardinals) Male Northern Cardinal. Female Northern Cardinal. Map of summer/winter territories. Food Sources: Seeds, insects, snails, maple sap, etc.
American Goldfinch (Credulous rustic) Male American Goldfinch. Female American Goldfinch. Map of winter/summer territories.
Barn Swallow (Herndon rustic)
Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata) Food Sources: Peanuts, seeds, berries, sunflower seeds, etc.
Northern Oriole (Iceterus galbula)
Ruby Throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris)
Raven ( Corvus corax )
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