Systems Architecture WG: Report of the Spring 2005 Meeting April 14, 2005 Takahiro Yamada, JAXA/ISAS
Summary Technical Status 1.Systems Architecture WG Goal: Develop a reference architecture and a formal representation method Working Group Status: Active _X_ Idle ____ Working Group Summary Situation: Working Group Summary progress: Updated the RASDS document (near BCP), Developing a formal model (before WB) Problems and Issues: Not enough resources, Propriety issue (XASTRO profile) status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Ongoing but with problems
Executive Summary 1. Review of RASDS was made by experts on RM-ODP and a discrepancy between RASDS and RM-ODP in the use of the concept of Viewpoints was discovered. 2. It was agreed to revise the RASDS document so that it is aligned better with RM-ODP. 3. It was also agreed that the RASDS formal model should be developed based on the ISO standard on “UML for ODP.”
Summary of Goals and Deliverables 1.Define a reference architecture that provides a framework for generation of space data systems standards and development of space data systems. 2.Document the reference architecture identifying basic elements. 3.Develop a document that provides to the other Working Groups and BoFs guidelines on how to apply the reference architecture. 4.Develop formal methods for representing space data systems architectures that will enable sharing of architectural information among engineers. 5.Develop tools that will facilitate design, modeling, and simulation of system architectural designs. 6.Develop a cross support service architecture (TBC)
Progress Achieved 1. With regard to items 1 and 2 (see the previous page), a review of RASDS was made by experts on RM-ODP and a discrepancy between RASDS and RM-ODP in the use of the concept of Viewpoints was discovered. 2. It was agreed to revise the RASDS document so that it is aligned better with RM-ODP. The document will explain the types of entities and how each type is represented in the Viewpoints. 3. With regard to item 4, it was agreed that the RASDS formal model should be developed based on the ISO standard on “UML for ODP.” 4. The progress of the XASTRO2 project was reviewed but there is still a propriety issue that CCSDS cannot use it. There was a misalignment between XASTRO2 and RASDS.
Near-Term Schedule DeliverableMilestoneDate Reference Architecture (BCP) Develop a Reference Architecture Publish the document (BCP) Almost complete Some time after 06/05? Report (Informational) Publish a draft document (draft GB) Some time after 06/05? Representation Method (Standard) with Software Tool Selection of language and tool Prototyping (phase 1) Complete Ongoing
Open Issues 1. It was agreed that the RASDS formal model should be developed based on the ISO standard on “UML for ODP,” but we need to work out how it should be adapted so that it can be usable by space system experts without reading a big text book on UML. 2. It was verbally stated by CMC that the development of RASDS must be terminated and the resources must be transferred to development of a cross support service architecture. Requirements will be provided by IOAG but resources necessary to do the work must also be provided by Agencies. Some Agencies (NASA, ESA, CNES, JAXA) are still interested in developing a formal model and some of them (at least JAXA) are willing to provide necessary resources,
Action Items 1. Revise the RASDS document based on the discussion at the meeting (so that it is more compatible with RM-ODP) ActioneeShames Due date30 June Edit a Green Book (informational) that explains the concept of RASDS ActioneeYamada Due date30 June Review the “UML for ODP” document and propose how we can use it as the formal model of RASDS ActioneeAll Due date30 June Establish a liaison relationship with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 19 ActioneeHooke, Shames and Wood Due date30 June 2005
Resource Problems There may not be enough resources to perform items 4 through 6 of the Goals and Deliverables.
Risk Management Update It is still unclear if enough resources are available from the Agencies to perform the necessary jobs.
Cross Area WG / BOF Issues We need a CCSDS-wide standard on a method for describing objects (services, data, devices, etc.) with templates for describing some basic objects. There are several ways of describing services within CCSDS (Space Link Protocols, SLE Services, SM&C Services). We need a CCSDS-wide standard on a method for managing objects (services, data, devices, etc.). There are several activities for developing management methods within CCSDS (Onboard network management, SLE Service Management, SM&C Service Management).
Resolutions to be Sent to CESG and Then to CMC The Systems Engineering Area resolves to establish a liaison relationship with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 19 for cooperating in development of RASDS and its formal model, and notify the CMC of the establishment of the liaison.
New Working Items, New BOFs, etc. It was verbally stated by CMC that a cross support service architecture must be developed by SAWG.