05/12/06OpenURL1of 54 OpenURL for Accessing Reference Resources by Md Ehtesham Documentation Research Training Centre Indian Statistical Research Institute Bangalore
05/12/06OpenURL2 of 58 OUTLINE of today's topic…. Introduction Basic Terms History OpenURL Standard OpenURL NEED What does OpenURL consists of ? How OpenURL works ? Significance of OpenURL
05/12/06OpenURL3 of 58 Developing OpenURL Link resolver using software suites: CUFTS knowledge base (Global Resources & Local Resources) GODOT Link Resolver dbWiz Federated Search Engine Final words Demo of Link Resolver System OUTLINE of today's topic….
05/12/06OpenURL4 of 58 INTRODUCTION Mechanism for transporting metadata and identifiers Describes a publication (Reference Resources) for context sensitive linking Designed to support mediated linking from information resources to library services Works with ‘Link Resolver System’ Facilitate seamless access to the referenced resource
05/12/06OpenURL5 of 58 OpenURL – A NISO standard (Z39.88), by which web links (URLs) are created containing metadata, allowing the linking directly to reference resources Source – A citation database where an image or link appears; this link is an openURL that points to a link resolver. Targets – The items listed in the results window: the full text dbs, Catalog, Ask-a-Librarian, Google. BASIC TERMS
05/12/06OpenURL6 of 58 Link Resolver – Software that interprets an OpenURL and creates links to targets. Base URL – The URL of a link resolver server. Knowledgebase – The database containing all the library’s holdings. BASIC TERMS
05/12/06OpenURL7 of 58 HISTORY In 1998 – OpenURL was developed to support Resolver technology In 1999 – first real experiments with (Ghent, LANL, Wiley, SilverPlatter, Ex Libris, arXiv, …) was done In 2000 – OpenURL version 0.1 was released, is simple and generally used
05/12/06OpenURL8 of 58 In 2001 Integration of OpenURL and DOI/CrossRef framework was done Version 0.1 has been superseded by Version 1.0, defined in the NISO Standard Z39.88 to provide more complex encoding HISTORY CONT…
05/12/06OpenURL9 of 58 OpenURL and its data container (the Context – Object) is an International ANSI standard Z39.88 Developed and proposed by NISO (National Information Standards) On 22 June 2006, OCLC was named the maintenance agency for this standard OpenURL STANDARD
05/12/06OpenURL10 of 58 Concept of OpenURL OpenURL is a type of URL that contains resource metadata for use, primarily in libraries and consortia A way of organizing meta-data in a URL and pointing it to a destination It is a standard for encoding generic search terms such as author, title, ISBN, etc into a URL
05/12/06OpenURL11 of 58 OpenURL NEED Libraries have access to dozens of Abstracting & Indexing (A&I) databases A&I databases, even library catalog not always aware of ejournal subscriptions to the libraries Finding an item is not always straightforward Users wants quick access, as few clicks as possible between reference and resources
05/12/06OpenURL12 of 58 ISI reference ingenta paper Ehost EJS paper Appropriate copy problem ? How does ISI know which provider has the paper? How does ISI know which copy the user has access to?
05/12/06OpenURL13 of 58 Too Much Stuff!
05/12/06OpenURL14 of 58 The Solution: OpenURL ABI/ Inform many others! OPAC Wilson Web Sources Link Resolver Targets Article full text Journal web site Library catalog Google search Citation management (RefWorks, EndNote) Document delivery service Dissertations, ERIC dox, Ebooks, etc. etc…
05/12/06OpenURL15 of 58 What does OpenURL consists of ? An OpenURL consists of : A base URL – Which addresses the user’s institutional Link Resolver Server and A query string – Which contains the bibliographic data in the form of key value pairs e.g. &title=%20Journal%20of%20Computer%20Science%20&atitle=A %20New%20Filtering%20Algorithm%20for%20Duplicate%20Doc ument%20Based%20on%20Concept%20Analysis&date=% %20&pages=% &aulast=%20Ahmad%20M.%20Hasnah%20&genre=article
05/12/06OpenURL16 of 58 An OpenURL OT/hold_tab.cgi?volume= %202%20&title=%20Jour nal%20of%20Computer%2 0Science%20&atitle=A%2 0New%20Filtering%20Algo rithm%20for%20Duplicate %20Document%20Based %20on%20Concept%20An alysis&date=%202006%20 &pages=% &aulast=%20Ahmad% 20M.%20Hasnah%20&gen re=article BaseURL= 101/GODOT/hold_tab.cgihttp:// /GODOT/hold_tab.cgi Volume = 2 Title = Journal of Computer science Article = A New Filtering Algorithm for Duplicate Document Based on Concept Analysis Date = 2006 Pages = Au_Last = Ahmad M. Hasnah genre = article
05/12/06OpenURL17 of 58 How OpenURL works ? OpenURL works as part of a broader linking system in the following steps: Step I – The OpenURL from the reference resources carries sets of metadata to the specified link resolver Step II – The link resolver compares the data and access rights.
05/12/06OpenURL18 of 58 Step III – Based on the results of step II, the link resolver displays the options that are available to the patron. Step IV – Patron selects the best option. How OpenURL works ? CONT…
05/12/06OpenURL19 of 58 Link Source OpenURL. Citation/Resource Resource Service Component Resolver/Link Server Provision of Hooks Resolution into Links Context Sensitive Link Destination Link Link Destination Link Link Destination Link Link Destination Link Hook How OpenURL works ?
05/12/06OpenURL20 of 58 How OpenURL works ? CONT…
05/12/06OpenURL21 of 58 SIGNIFICANCE OF USING OpenURL Optimal integration of resources with library linking systems. Enables library-controlled links to a multiplicity of resources related to a citation and is designed for localized linking. Enhanced by interaction with the DOI and CrossRef system.
05/12/06OpenURL22 of 58 Transports metadata and identifiers describing a publication, for the purpose of context-sensitive linking. HTTP request in the form of OpenURLs, check the local holdings and access privileges of that institution Allows the library to provide a range of library- configured links and services SIGNIFICANCE OF USING OpenURL CONT…
05/12/06OpenURL23 of 58 For the librarian: Central administration of links Local control over what types of links are offered and to where they resolve Optimizes use of licensed resources Benefits of OpenURL linking For the user: Desktop delivery of full text when available electronically Expands the research horizons Consistency and accuracy of links
05/12/06OpenURL24 of 58 OpenURL Challenges Noisy/Insufficient data from sources Diverse and constantly changing targets Lack of integrated Open Source software for Link Resolving
05/12/06OpenURL25 of 58 SFX is the Link Server from Ex Libris Delivers powerful linking services in the scholarly information environment It helps to manage electronic resources in a library Whether hosted locally or by EX Libris, offers libraries solution for linking the resources. For this they are charging approx 10,000 US Dollar per annum Proprietary Link Resolver
05/12/06OpenURL26 of 58 Developing OpenURL Link Resolver using software suites: CUFTS (knowledge base) GODOT (Link Resolver) and dbWiz (Federated Search Engine)
05/12/06OpenURL27 of 58 CUFTS is online knowledgebase of full-text journal collections Provides libraries to develop their sites of searchable serials databases MARC records for library catalogue Directs to article OpenURL link resolving, and ERM tools CUFTS: open source serial Management
05/12/06OpenURL28 of 58 CUFTS software Perl Apache/mod_perl Various Perl modules and PostgreSQL database CUFTS installation requirements
05/12/06OpenURL29 of 58 CUFTS Sites In CUFTS we can create a library site and add Local Resources, Which is used by GODOT Link Resolver
05/12/06OpenURL30 of 58 CUFTS Global Resources and Local Resources CUFTS serves as knowledge base and contains a variety of resource types including Journal collections and databases called as “Global Resource” From the Global Resources libraries can select and activate their “Local Resources”
05/12/06OpenURL31 of 58 CUFTS Global Resources and Local Resources
05/12/06OpenURL32 of 58 Editing Global Resources and Local Resources
05/12/06OpenURL33 of 58 Activating Unique Local Collections New Local Resources can also be created when one is not available in Global Resources Name and the Provider as well as Module is required for creating new resources GenericJournal module can be selected for typical full text collection, but if new resources uses DOI’s then we should enter ‘GenericJournalDOI’
05/12/06OpenURL34 of 58 CUFTS Site Settings It includes General settings, Templates, ERM Settings, CJDB Display, CJDB Data and GoogleScholar settings
05/12/06OpenURL35 of 58 Exporting Title Lists Activating CrossRef Electronic Resource Management CUFTS Statistics OTHER FEATURES
05/12/06OpenURL36 of 58 CJDB (CUFTS journal database) Provides the “library users” with web-based database of all serials, including print, microform and electronic resources. Provides a very good user interface to search the journal articles subscribed by the library CJDB users can create their own accounts, and can organize their own collections of journals under MY TAGS
05/12/06OpenURL37 of 58 GODOT (Link Resolver) It is a Link Resolver Software Provides direct Full-text Links from CUFTS knowledge base Holdings in the Catalogue or in other location Interlibrary Holdings Locator and Requesting
05/12/06OpenURL38 of 58 Installation Requirements GODOT Software Perl Various Perl modules Apache/mod_perl PostgreSQL database YAZ (Z3950 client) CUFTS knowledge base
05/12/06OpenURL39 of 58 FULL TEXT LINKS GODOT uses the CUFTS knowledge base to link the full text resources from the specified libraries. GODOT uses the cufts_resolver_server_url
05/12/06OpenURL40 of 58 LIBRARY CATALOGUES HOLDINGS GODOT does Z39.50 search to retrieve the print holdings available from the local library and remote library catalogues
05/12/06OpenURL41 of 58 Search other libraries/request this item This link is configured in GODOT to check the availability in other similar group of libraries and to put a ILL request
05/12/06OpenURL42 of 58 Check the web for the item We can configure a link to Google or any other search engine to search and check the availability on the web
05/12/06OpenURL43 of 58 GODOT Link Resolver
05/12/06OpenURL44 of 58 GODOT Link Resolver
05/12/06OpenURL45 of 58 GODOT Link Resolver
05/12/06OpenURL46 of 58 GODOT Link Resolver
05/12/06OpenURL47 of 58 GODOT Link Resolver
05/12/06OpenURL48 of 58 dbWiz – Federated Search Engine dbWiz is an Open source federated search engine Allows to search multiple databases, websites, catalogues, and other online resources from a single interface Presents the result in an integrated list
05/12/06OpenURL49 of 58 dbWiz Apache web server Perl and various perl modules Mysql GODOT Links Resolver CUFTS knowledge base Installation Requirements
05/12/06OpenURL50 of 58 dbWiz Administration dbWiz administration login page url is something like this: After login we can: Configure dbWiz search settings. Create search profiles and categories Select and activate the databases and resources to search and Edit the templates to change the interface look
05/12/06OpenURL51 of 58 Searching dbWiz dbWiz search interface provides both Basic Search and Advanced Search features. Basic Search : Minimal interface and requires few decisions to retrieve results. Here one can select the profile or category to search. Advanced Search : More complex search statements, and users can select their own resource for searching.
05/12/06OpenURL52 of 58 The search results are displayed in an internet search engine format. Citation details are provided, along with a link to either the native interface or a GODOT link resolver dbWiz Search Result
05/12/06OpenURL53 of 58 dbWiz search interface : Basic Search
05/12/06OpenURL54 of 58 dbWiz search interface : Advance Search
05/12/06OpenURL55 of 58 dbWiz Search Results
05/12/06OpenURL57 of 58 OpenURL is a method for sending metadata, most commonly in the form of a URL. It contains a base URL, which is the address of Link Resolver server Link Resolver server compares the incoming metadata and the metadata of library sites OpenURL provides seamless access to reference resources Final words
05/12/06OpenURL58 of 58 ?..