Metric Designer Cognos 8 BI
Objectives In this module, we will examine: Scorecarding Dimensional Data Sources The Application Process Creating Projects Object Extracts Defining Mappings Data Filtering Metric Extracts
What is Cognos Metric Designer? Simplifies Building and Automation of Large Applications Evolved from the “Metrics Loader” Service Offering Designs and Loads from Relational or Dimensional Sources Cube (CC Data source) Framework Manager Models IQD
Enhanced Design Experience More preview options Highlight non-unique scorecard IDs Automatically correct/create unique scorecard ID’s Capability to define scorecards and metric values separately Even Scorecard Names are no longer required to be unique under different parents. For example: Sales North America South America Services North America South America
New Capabilities for Dimensional Sources Define scorecards using different dimensions Expression editor support for dimensional expressions Improved support for qualifiers Cognos 8 BI reports created for dimensional sources New Time Mapping for dimensional sources Option to extend time mapping for PowerCube Capability to filter values by current or previous Metric Package period
Cognos Connection Within Cognos Metric Designer: Execute extracts directly to the staging tables Publish to Cognos Connection as a Metric Import Task or a job Within Cognos Connection: New Metric Maintenance wizard - Schedule extract execution in Cognos Connection New Metrics Export Wizard – enhanced exporting functionality New Metric Import From Files Wizard – improved control over imports Create a new Metric Package from Cognos Connection toolbar
Create a Project and Metric Package Reference
Object and Metric Extracts Extracts are used to create the different objects within Metric Studio as well as how you define your metrics and their behavior. Object Extract is the metadata for any Metric Studio object such as scorecards or diagrams. Metric Extract defines the metrics you want in Metric Studio (metric types must exist first).
Define Mappings with PowerPlay Cube
Time Dimension Mappings
Data Filtering Categories and levels can be filtered so that they are not considered in the equation. Create filter: [gosales_goretailers].[Products].[Product line] in ('Camping Equipment', 'Golf Equipment', 'Mountaineering Equipment', 'Outdoor Protection') Before Filtering After Filtering
Scorecard and Level Preview Scorecards and Levels can be previewed prior to mapping metrics.
Metrics Extracts – Impromptu Query Definition Files (IQD) Use Impromptu Query Definition Files to create metric extracts.
CMD Expression Editor Create expressions for scorecard and metric values.
Summary In this module we examined: Scorecarding Dimensional Data Sources The Application Process Creating Projects Object Extracts Defining Mappings Data Filtering Metric Extracts
Creating Objects in Metric Designer Workshop 1