Lines Composed a few Minutes before an English Exam Board Michael Bradshaw, MMU.


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Presentation transcript:

Lines Composed a few Minutes before an English Exam Board Michael Bradshaw, MMU

Romanticism: Learning and Teaching Issues at Level 2

I wandered lonely as a cloud

The boy stood on the burning deck

Romanticism at Level 2 Romanticism at Level 2 ‘exit velocity’ ‘exit velocity’ course design course design ‘Researching Romanticism’ ‘Researching Romanticism’

[The remaining red slides reproduce questions from my questionnaire to Level 2 students at MMU: the questionnaire was first issued during a canonical survey course in the autumn, and then re-issued during the ‘Researching Romanticism’ course in the spring term, to try and determine how perceptions had changed…] [The remaining red slides reproduce questions from my questionnaire to Level 2 students at MMU: the questionnaire was first issued during a canonical survey course in the autumn, and then re-issued during the ‘Researching Romanticism’ course in the spring term, to try and determine how perceptions had changed…]

I have a clear understanding of what Romanticism means. I have a clear understanding of what Romanticism means.

There is an accepted canon of major Romantic authors. There is an accepted canon of major Romantic authors.

I know who these authors are. I know who these authors are.

Romanticism is characterised by certain literary genres which are not necessarily prominent in other periods / movements. Romanticism is characterised by certain literary genres which are not necessarily prominent in other periods / movements.

I know what these genres are. I know what these genres are.

Romanticism is a historical category. Romanticism is a historical category. Romanticism is a political category. Romanticism is a political category. Romanticism is an aesthetic category. Romanticism is an aesthetic category. Romanticism is a gendered category. Romanticism is a gendered category. ‘Romanticism’ is complex and contradictory. ‘Romanticism’ is complex and contradictory.

► [The remaining grey slides quote extracts from the answers provided by an individual student, reflecting back on both courses: these responses are not offered as typical or representative, or even a good example of my theory of disrupting / diversifying the canon… but as an instance of a student who is aware of the complex nature of ‘Romanticism’, and is reflecting on her own learning experience in relation to this complexity…]

The Canon: ‘Although I have now met many more [authors], I still feel that despite the constant introduction of more and more into the canon, the major Romantic authors mentioned above are still the major accepted canon.’

History: ‘My feelings on this have become stronger since I have conducted my own research into what was going on historically at the time of the Romantics, and how this is reflected in their works, especially the political background.’

Gender: ‘Again, although now I have met with more and more female authors, the accepted canon is predominantly male, and will be for a long time.’

‘Romanticism’? ‘After listening to all the different research assignments, I have realised how complex and contradictory Romanticism can be.’