Our Goal The Elementary Reading Curriculum Framework will ensure that all Reading Next Generation Sunshine State Standards are taught in the designated grade levels over the course of a school year. Further, it will ensure that FCAT- Tested Benchmarks are taught and revisited numerous times prior to the test.
Reading Frameworks Essential Ideas 1. Literary Text7. Synthesizing 2. Informational Text 8. Knowledge About Text 3. Monitoring Meaning9. Testing as a Genre 4. Prior Knowledge10. Questioning 5. Inferring 11. Creating Mental Images 6. Determining Importance in Text
How Were the Benchmarks Scoped? “The teacher first demonstrates the use of the strategy…then creates a safe and stimulating environment for students to practice the strategies in their own reading…most effective is..sharing in heterogeneous large groups..then reinforces that thinking in small groups and individual conferences.” (p.11) Understanding: Reading is a Process Understanding: The Sunshine State Standards are our Curriculum Understanding: Current research supports the effectiveness of explicit comprehension strategy instruction I DO WE DO YOU DO
Reading Frameworks Essential Ideas 1. Literary Text 7. Synthesizing 2. Informational Text8. Knowledge About Text 3. Monitoring Meaning9. Testing as a Genre 4. Prior Knowledge10. Questioning 5. Inferring 11. Creating Mental Images 6. Determining Importance in Text
Next Two Weeks:
Embedded Assessment
Embedded Assessment Schedule 1.Click on “Assessments” 2. Click on “Embedded Assessments”
Rotation Schedule for Small Group Instruction/ Guided Reading Lesson Planner
Tutorial Lessons Aligned to Tested SSS Benchmarks Different than other Linked Resources
Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System Voluntary Literacy Assessment System Training will be held in each area after school on September 9 th & 10 th. Course Registration is required.
FY 08-09: All K, 1,2: Phonics and Word Analysis booklet All K and 1 st : A-H booklets All 2 nd : I-M booklets All 3 rd : N- U booklets FY 09-10: All K will receive Phonics and Word Analysis; A-Z booklet Anyone with a current N-U: needs a V-Z insert. Anyone ready for an N booklet: needs the N-Z booklet.
Primary K-2: In the GREEN Assessment System kit. Intermediate 3-5: In the BLUE Assessment System kit. Outstanding resource for meeting students’ needs. *Show teachers how to use as a resource. *
Anchor Charts Teacher and students co-create a chart to record students’ thinking about a text, lesson, or strategy. Students revisit the anchor charts to help connect past learning to future learning.
should have a single focus to anchor student thinking are co-constructed with the students has an organized appearance match the learners’ developmental level support on-going learning Anchor Charts
Supporting Handouts “Revisiting Running Records” “Ways to Support Teachers” “Anchor Charts” article Reference: Keene and Zimmerman. Mosaic of Thought: The Power of Comprehension Strategy Instruction