R EMEMBER … Inferring involves interpreting ideas by filling in gaps in information from one’s own knowledge. What you read + what you know=what you infer
R EAD AND ANNOTATE : If your class still needs time, you can spend ten minutes to finish reading and annotating ‘The Lottery’, using PAUSES reading strategies and the inferring strategy Make some notes in the margins about what you think is happening. What do you infer? For people who are finished, you can write out (in your reading journal) what you think “The Lottery” is about and make a list of clues that helped you figure it out
S HARE IDEAS … Pair up with the person sitting next to you and find another pair on the other side of the room to form a group of 4 Share your inferences as a group and select the ‘top 5’ clues from the reading that helped you make them – write them down in your reading journal, using the table at right to help What I read (quote from text) What I know (prior knowledge) What I infer
N OTEBOOK REFLECTION What is ‘The Lottery’ about? Can you explain the ending? Write your explanation down in your writing journal You can use the following sentence to get you started, using quotes from the text to help you: “I infer..., because…” Ensure you write a paragraph (at least 5 lines long)