ROOM SELECTION Your step by step guide to The General Selection Process
PAY YOUR $300 Housing Deposit/Complete Housing Application PRIOR to participating in the General Selection Process, you will need to PAY your $300 HOUSING DEPOSIT by following the below steps: 1.Simply log into 2.Click on the "Navigation Menu" in the top left hand corner. 3.Click on the "Student Services" menu. 4.Click on "Student Payment Center" under General. 5.Click on "My Payment Center". 6.Select the "eDeposits" tab. 7.Select the term for which you are applying for (e.g., Fall 2016) 8.Select the type of deposit you want (i.e. Housing Deposit). **Students paying by cash, check or money order must do so at the Student Financial Services Suite, 206 Memorial Hall.
Complete Your Housing Application 1) Log into 2)Click on the "Navigation Menu" in the top left hand corner. Click on Navigation Menu
Complete Your Housing Application 3) Click on “Student Services” Menu
Complete Your Housing Application 4) Click on the 'Residence Life" menu.
Complete Your Housing Application 5) Click on the “General Selection Process“ link.
Complete Your Housing Application 6)Select the term you are applying for(fall 2016) and then click SUBMIT.
Complete Your Housing Application Please verify all information you include on your HOUSING APPLICATION is ACCURATE(i.e. phone number). Indicate if you require an ADA accessible room Please review the descriptions of the residential communities, including Themed Living Communities(TLC’s). Indicate your preference to reside in Theme Living Communities. Verify Phone Number Indicate interest in Themed Living Community Check if ADA room needed
Complete Your Housing Application Complete your housing preferences in the order in which you prefer them. Your preferred roommate’s information MUST be listed in the first line. Enter 1 additional person if you are looking for a double. Enter 2 additional people if you are looking for a triple. Enter 3 additional people if you are looking for a suite.
Things to Remember When Selecting a Room Rooms MUST be filled to CAPCITY. It is important that the student fill the space they are looking to select with the proper number of people required for that room. a double needs two people, a triple needs three, a quad needs four, a suite needs four, etc. Indicates that the room is currently full and no student can be pulled in. Indicates current residents.
Things to Remember When Selecting a Room Have your roommate list your name and Hofstra ID# on there application as well. List roommate on the first line, and then list suitemates.
Things to Remember When Selecting a Room In order to select a particular roommate in Colonial Square or Nassau/Suffolk Halls you MUST list that individual FIRST in the specific roommate request section of the application It is extremely important that if you are choosing to live in suite style housing that the first person you list be the person you intend to share a bedroom with. The second two people will be your suitemates, sharing the second bedroom in the suite. The first person listed will be your actual roommate.
Example: Searching for a Single Selecting your Room Type You selected your “Room Type Requested” on your housing application. This room type matches the number of people in your group that you also indicated on your housing application. If your preference has changed, you will need to update your application in order for you to view different room types. Your selected room type based on the number of people in your group.
Example: Searching for a Single Select your building preference Below your requested room type, you will see a drop down menu of available sites. This will show you all available sites which still have your room type remaining. You will then be able to view a “live” list of available single rooms throughout campus that you will be able to select as your own. Your selected room type based on the number of people in your group. Drop down menus to select your housing preference. List of available single rooms throughout campus.
FAQ #1 If you are a group of four and looking for a four person suite, but find that none are available, you may reconfigure the type of room you are requesting by updating your requested roommate(s) on the application. Your group will then be able to see additional options that meet the needs of your new configuration. You may also ask to be Administratively Assigned by Residential Life if you do not see your preferred option available. I’m looking for a kind of room/area that is no longer available. What do I do? You have two options: Re-structure your group size and/or breakdown so that you are able to find an option that meets your new needs. You should then remove the any people you no longer intend to live with from your preferred roommate list. Request to be Administratively Assigned by Residential Programs by indicating “YES” to this option on your housing application. Remove the people you no longer intend to live with. Check “YES” only if you want Residential Life to assign you to a space which they choose based on your preferences.
FAQ #2 I logged in to select my space, but saw the screen below. What does it mean? You could be seeing this screen for several of the following reasons The codes described on this screen will indicate to you what steps you need to complete before attempting to participate in selection again. To participate, you must be a current term resident, complete your application and pay any remaining balance on your student account. If you do not meet these expectations, you will not be permitted to participate. If you have already selected a space, or been pulled into a space; you will also be prohibited from participating in the process again. All previous selections are final and may not be changed. Lastly, make sure to check your group priority time to ensure that you are logging in to participate during the correct window for your class standing. “N” means you are not a current resident, which is required to participate. “N” means you must complete (or update) your housing application. “Y” means you have already been assigned a space for Fall 2016 and may not select again. “N” means you have a balance with SFS that should be paid before participating. This is your scheduled time to select housing.
FAQ #3 I logged in to select my space, but saw the screen below. I’ve already paid my deposit. What does it mean? It is possible that your housing deposit was applied to an existing balance on your student account. It is required that you pay your $300 housing deposit prior to participating in selection. If you paid your deposit, but had an outstanding balance on your student account, that deposit was applied to your outstanding balance. You will need to pay the remainder of your balance at Student Financial Services, and then re-pay your housing deposit.
FAQ #4 Q: My preferred roommate is a commuter and does not meet the “current resident” requirement. May I still request them? A: Yes, as long as they meet all other eligibility requirements. During the General Selection process, current residential students who wish to live with a commuter must come to the Office of Residence Life on their designated selection date to be administratively assigned a space with that commuting student. In order for commuter students to participate in the selection process, they must be pulled into a room by a current residential student. Commuter students who are not pulled into rooms by current residents during the homesteading or General Selection process can apply to be Administratively Assigned.
Final Submission By clicking the “I Agree” button you are agreeing to “The Residential Living Agreement”, “The Living Factor”, and “The Code of Community Standards”.
Final Notification Once you hit the “Submit” button, Students will not have the ability to access their Housing Applications to make any changes once they have selected a room for the upcoming academic year.
Dining Services: Dining Plans Click on Dining Service Application to apply for meal plan
Dining Services: Dining Plans Select term Fall 2016
Dining Services: Dining Plans 1. Confirmers your personal information is accurate. 2. Select the meal plan of your preference. 3. Submit your choice. Notice: If you decline at this time and do not return to select a meal plan, the minimum plan.