Ekaterina Alexeevna Catherine I Empress Peter’s 2 nd wife Accomplishments –None
Peter Alexeevich Emperor Peter’s grandson 12 Actual power Prince A.D. Menshikov 14—smallpox Male line of Romanov dynasty end
Anna Ivanova Empress Daughter of Peter’s co- ruler Ivan V Elected to throne by Supreme Privy Council—limited her powers—hmmm…. Accomplishments –Some say she spent little time on affairs of state –Yet—internal stability & successful foreign policy
Ivan Antonovich (Ivan VI) Emperor Great-nephew of Anna Ivanova Assumed 2 months (age) Overthrown 2 years later—sent to monastery Enter Elizaveta Petrovna
Elizaveta Petrovna Elizaveta Petrovna Empress Peter the Great’s daughter Accomplishments –Significant advances – economically & culturally –Foreign policy—Russia important—all nations wanted to make treaties –Abolished capital punishment—in 20-year reign no one was executed Died leaving no heir
Peter Feodorovich (Peter III)… Emperor Nephew of Elizaveta Petrovna Major accomplishment –Married Princess Sophia August Frederica of Anhalt-Zerbst Christened into Church as Ekaterina Alexeevna
….Peter III… Accomplishments –Granted amnesty for and return from exile of state officials arrested by Elizaveta –Introduced various reforms –Banned persecution of dissenters –Dissolved Privy Council –Released the gentry from compulsory state service (Peter the Great)
…Peter Feodorovich Overthrown by wife Imprisoned Executed However….
Ekaterina Alexeevna… Catherine the Great Empress –German by birth –Industrious –Highly intelligent – daughter of the Enlightenment— Voltaire, STRONG-WILLED
Catherine the Great… Accomplishments –Internal political reforms—upper classes ONLY –Continue husband’s policy of freeing nobles from compulsory state service –Encouraged nobles to develop & manage estates
…Catherine the Great… Accomplishments (upper classes ONLY) –Gave merchants & townspeople more freedom –Supported trade, education, arts, sciences (Enlightenment ideals) –Serfs? Weren’t important –2 wars w/ Ottoman Empire Occupied vast territories on southern boundaries—Black Sea d1796
Pavel Petrovich (Paul I)… Emperor Son of Catherine & Peter III (??) Not a trusting soul knew of mother’s plots against father irritable & suspicious of those around him Declared self Catherine’s death
…Pavel Petrovich… court Extremely hostile towards mom Break w/ stability of Catherine’s reign
…Paul I… Accomplishments –Freed those imprisoned by Privy Council –Liberated Poles –Abolished conscription (meaning?) –Limited power of landowners over the serfs –Issued a decree on rights of succession Established procedures for transfer of power from one monarch to the next
…Paul I Accomplishments –Foreign policy— France From enemies to allies Not popular home murdered
Romanovs Is there an obvious pattern?