WHO WE ARE The consortium Sol.Co. Varese is a consortium of social cooperatives who, since 1991, works on the territory of Varese and the province. Throughout his action and the help of his associated it offers social, educative, helpful, cultural services, and reaches and works in all the areas of social disadvantages, such as margination, disabilities, drug addicted people, minors, aged people, category of the population in difficulty.
WHERE WE ARE AND HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE THERE Sol.Co. Varese has permanently 7 people of which 5 are social operators + the contribution of the all associated cooperatives. The activities promoted by the consortium are spread on the entire territory of the province of Varese offering services as planning and supply of social interventions, ideation, realization and projects financing, appreciating and coordinating the resources of the different partners. The roles of Sol.Co. in the direct management of the projects are: Work insertion of people belonging to protect categories Interventions in favor of detained or ex-detained person Management of social housing Promoting intervention for cohesion and the social security of the territory Training intervention and advice service to cooperatives
WITH WHO The consortium logic is that of working in partnership. Sol.Co. Varese operates with public and private authorities, Cooperatives and social enterprises, voluntary associations, but it collaborates also with other realities who share the values of solidarity, social equity, respect of the person and priorities of the man, management and administrative transparency: since the beginning, Sol.Co. Varese is at the service of the community, focusing on the needs and the requirements of the territory.
BEHIND THE BARS The most important activities of Sol.Co. Varese are those inside prison, where the Consortium, through a strong network with institutions and operators of the territory, has been working for 10 years, in particular in prisons of Varese and Busto Arsizio. The promoted activities are: Contacts with the territory for the promotion of alternative paths Activation of laboratories inside the institute Promotion of working activities in the cooperatives Educational activities
BEYOND THE BARS Sol.Co Varese collaborates permanently with the territorial services for the construction of projects finalized to the reinsertion of people under penal proceedings. The areas we work in, are: Work reinsertion Social Housing In the middle of the path there is the important role of the group build by the operators of the different services and the construction of an individualized project.
NETWORK WITH THE SERVICES The main point of the individualized path of reintegration is that of building a cohesive and knowledgeable network of services. Sol.Co. Varese wants to encourage the building of links between projects and specific services, always focusing on the person. The goal is build a strong take-over that allows the person to carry out a monitored path accompanied by the services.
THE SERVICES INVOLVED The services permanently involved are: Penitentiary administration (Prison and UEPE) Territorial services (district, social services) Services in charge of the care of fragile situations: addiction services, services for the protection of mental health The reality of the third sector
THE INSTRUMENTS The instruments for the insertion: Orientation Internships The possibility of accommodation in a protected environment Path’s monitoring
CONTACTS Viale Aguggiari, Varese Phone Fax The offices are opened from Monday To Friday, from 9 a.m to 5 p.m