Un concepto nuevo
Up until this point we have been working with the present tense. Now we will move on to the past tense, known as the “preterite” This tense is used for events that are completed and will not continue.
Ir To go What is the present tense conjugation for ir? The past tense conjugation for ir is as follows: Ir VoyVamos Vas VaVan Ir FuiFuimos Fuiste FueFueron
Hacer To do/To make What is the present tense conjugation for hacer? The past tense conjugation for hacer is as follows: Hacer HagoHacemos Haces HaceHacen Hacer HiceHicimos Hiciste HizoHicieron
Decir To say/to tell What is the present tense conjugation for decir? The past tense conjugation for decir is as follows: Decir DigoDecimos Dices DiceDicen Decir DijeDijimos Dijiste DijoDijeron