Conventions of a fairytale
Name some typical fairytale settings A Far away kingdom A make believe land A woodcutter’s forest A deep, dark forest A castle CAN YOU THINK OF ANYMORE?
Name some typical fairytale characters A King A Queen A beautiful princess A handsome prince An evil dragon A wicked relation A frog A Giant CAN YOU THINK OF ANYMORE?
Name some typical fairytale events Magic spells A prince rescues a princess A task to perform A happy ending A marriage Once upon a time CAN YOU THINK OF ANYMORE?
STEREOTYPES WHAT ARE STEREOTYPES? Look at the following images – are they stereotypical heroes or villains? How do you know?
What is strange about this image?
What is the stereotypical view of a princess? What can you say about these two images?
WATCHING SHREK You will now watch Shrek through once. Copy the following table into your jotter. Typical Fairy tale feature Non-typical fairytale feature. When viewing Shrek fill in the table with features of the film/character/setting/events/etc that are like a fairytale and features that are not like a traditional fairytale.