Animal Life cycle Alton Woods
Content Area: Science Grade Level: 3 rd Summary: The Purpose of this power-point is for the students to understand the life cycle of a butterfly, a chicken, and a frog. Learning Objective: Given a website in the review section on the power-point the students will review and understand the information then answer the questions on the power point with 100% accuracy. Content Standard: GLE Identify the different life stages through which plants and animals pass. Accomplishment: Differentiate among the stages in the life cycle of a butterfly, chicken, and frog. SPI Select an illustration that shows how an organism changes as it develops.
Website Used In Power point =all&va=butterfly+life+cycle =all&va=butterfly+life+cycle =all&va=chicken+life+cycle =all&va=chicken+life+cycle p=frog+life+cycle&fr=oberhp&ei=utf-8&n=30&x=wrt&y=Search p=frog+life+cycle&fr=oberhp&ei=utf-8&n=30&x=wrt&y=Search
Facts-Animal Life Cycles Facts about the Butterfly life cycle: There are four life cycles for the Butterfly. Click on the link below for more information on a Butterfly life cycle. Link to Butterfly life cycle Facts about the chicken life cycle : There are three life cycles for the chicken. Click on the link below for more information on a chicken life cycle. Link to the chicken life cycle
Facts Continued-Animal Life Cycles Facts about the frog life cycle There are four life cycle of a frog. Click on the link below to see more information on a frog life cycle. Link to frog life cycle
What is the third stage of the butterfly life cycle? Adult Adult Caterpillar Caterpillar Egg Egg Chrysalis Chrysalis
Correct AWESOME!
What is the second stage of butterfly lifecycle? Chrysalis Chrysalis Caterpillar Caterpillar Butterfly Butterfly Egg Egg
Egg Egg Chick Chick Adult chicken Adult chicken Goose Goose What is the first lifecycle of a chicken?
Correct WAY TO GO!
What is the second life cycle of a chicken? Adult chickenAdult chicken Duck Duck Egg Egg Chick Chick
Correct GREAT!
What is the last step of the life cycle of a frog? Tadpole with Hind legsTadpole with Hind legs Egg Egg Legless tadpole Legless tadpole Adult Frog Adult Frog
Correct That is right!
What is the second step of a frog life cycle? Adult frog Adult frog Tadpole with hind legs Tadpole with hind legs Legless Tadpole Legless Tadpole Egg Egg
Correct AWESOME!
Summary In this lesson the students will have learned the life cycles of the Butterfly, Chicken, and Frog. They will also have visual pictures showing the life cycles. The students will have read and taken notes from the websites that are given in slides four and five that give detailed information on the life cycles of the animals.
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