Sgwrsio Dwyieithog Bilingual Conversation Group Members/Aelodau o’r grŵp Head of Group / Arweinydd y GrŵpProf Margaret Deuchar Research Officer / Swyddog YmchwilDr Jon Herring Research Assistant / Ymchwilydd Cynorthwyol Siân Wynn Lloyd Research Collaborator / Ymchwilydd YmgynghorolDr Dirk Bury
How common is bilingualism? Pa mor gyffredin yw dwyieithrwydd? In the world: more people are bilingual than monolingual In the UK: more people are monolingual than bilingual Yn y byd: mwy o bobl dwyieithog nag unieithog Yn DU: mwy o bobl unieithog na dwyieithog Eva Polger, BudapestJackie, BrightonRhys, Bangor
Dwyieithrwydd yng Nghymru Bilingualism in Wales
Bilingual conversation in Wales Sgyrsiau dwyieithog yng Nghymru hi oedd yr unig fabi oedd yn y seremoni graduation oedd ’na heffer yn overdue ers ’thefnos ‘A heffer was a fortnight overdue’ ‘She was the only baby in the graduation ceremony’
More bilingual conversation in Wales Mwy o sgyrsiau dwyieithog yng Nghymru ‘They were all over the place. wnaeth hi gael hip operation do? ‘She had a hip operation, didn’t she?’ oedden nhw all over the place
How do we get the examples? Sut mae casglu enghreifftiau? Recordiwyd rhai siaradwyr o’r ardaloedd hyn hyd yma Some speakers from these areas have been recorded so far
Bilingualism in Patagonia, Argentina Dwyieithrwydd ym Mhatagonia, Yr Ariannin
Spanish-Welsh conversation in Patagonia Sgyrsiau Sbaeneg-Cymraeg ym Mhatagonia Tocarwch y vocina ‘Beep your horn’ ‘St David Association’ ‘Information’
Spanish-Welsh conversation in Patagonia Sgyrsiau Sbaeneg-Cymraeg ym Mhatagonia Video clip 1: Sombrero de alas anchas, a sombrero de alas angostas – hat of wings wide and hat of wings narrow ‘A hat with a wide brim and a hat with a narrow brim – het ac adenydd llydan ag rhai cul hat and wings wide and some narrow hat with wide brim and a narrow one’
Spanish-Welsh conversation in Patagonia Sgwrs Sbaeneg-Cymraeg ym Mhatagonia Video clip 2: Mae Tegai yn dod i yng nghocina fi be Tegai is come to my kitchen my ‘Tegai comes to my kitchen’
Bilingualism in Miami, USA Dwyieithrwydd ym Miami, UDA
Spanish-English bilingual conversations Sgyrsiau dwyieithog Sbaeneg-Saesneg I got a lotta blanquito friends Me huele a toast quemado Siempre está promising cosas I’ve got a lot of white friends He is always promising things It smells of burnt toast
Spanish-English fairy stories Straeon tylwyth teg Sbaeneg-Saesneg While Blancanieves está media muerta she’s lying there and the dwarves, they’re scared, they don’t know what to do and they pick her up, y la llevan a la casa, la ponen sobre la cama, y la dejan acostada allí ‘While Snow White is half dead, she’s lying there and the dwarves, they’re scared, they don’t know what to do and they pick her up, and they take her home, they put her on the bed and they leave her lying there’
Bilingual conversation set to music Sgwrsio Dwyieithog mewn cerddoriaeth Upside, inside out she's livin’ la vida loca She'll push and pull you down, livin’ la vida loca Her lips are devil red and her skin's the color mocha
Bilingual conversation set to music Sgwrsio Dwyieithog mewn cerddoriaeth Gwyneth Glyn - ‘Adra’ (‘Home’) ‘There is a town in North Ontario’, Medda Neil Young yn ei gân, ‘Sweet Home Alabama’, Medda Skynyrd rownd y tân. ‘There is a town in North Ontario’, Said Neil Young in his song, ‘Sweet Home Alabama’, Said [Lynyrd] Skynyrd round the fire.
Interesting puzzles for our research Posau diddorol ar gyfer ein hymchwil 1) How do bilingual speakers follow two different grammars in the same sentence? 2) Do bilinguals with different language pairs combine their languages in the same or different ways? 3) Do young people combine their languages in a different way from old people? 1) Sut mae siaradwyr dwyieithog yn dilyn gramadegau gwahanol o fewn yr un frawddeg? 2) Ydi pobl ddwyieithog sy’n siarad gwahanol barau o ieithoedd yn cyfuno eu dwy iaith yn yr un ffordd neu mewn gwahanol ffyrdd? 3) Ydi pobl ifanc yn cyfuno eu hieithoedd mewn modd gwahanol i bobl hyn?
Interesting puzzles for our research Posau diddorol ar gyfer ein hymchwil 4) Does it make a difference how young you were when you learned the two languages? 5) Does it make a difference which part of the country you come from? 4) Oes gwahaniaeth pa mor ifanc ydych chi pan yn dysgu’r ddwy iaith? 5) Ydi’r rhan o’r wlad rydych chi’n byw yn gwneud gwahaniaeth?
Any answers?/Unrhyw Atebion? Q1) How do bilingual speakers follow two different grammars in the same sentence? Possibly they use the grammar from one language and some of the words from another C1) Sut mae siaradwyr dwyieithog yn dilyn gramadegau gwahanol o fewn yr un frawddeg? O bosib maen nhw’n defnyddio gramadeg un iaith a geiriau o iaith arall.
Any answers?/Unrhyw Atebion? Q2) Do bilinguals with different languages combine their languages in the same or different ways? C2) Ydi pobl ddwyieithog sy’n siarad gwahanol barau o ieithoedd yn cyfuno eu dwy iaith yn yr un ffordd neu mewn gwahanol ffyrdd? data collection Patagonia Miami Wales Spanish / Sbaeneg Welsh / Cymraeg English / Saesneg
Practical results of our research Canlyniadau ymarferol i’n hymchwil Database of bilingual conversations Bilingual education Speech and language therapy Language policy Foreign language teaching Bas data o sgyrsiau dwyieithog Addysg ddwyieithog Therapi iaith a lleferydd Polisi iaith Addysgu ieithoedd tramor
Acknowledgments/Cydnabyddiaeth AHRC ESRC Peredur Davies, Elen Robert and Jonathan Stammers for audio clips and translation Colin Baker for the map of Welsh speakers S4C for permission to use video material