1 Fertility Intentions in France and Russia Laurence Charton Marc Bloch University Strasbourg - France Sergey Surkov IIPS Moscow - Russia
2 Introduction In 2005, the Total Fertility Rate was 1.91 in France and 1.29 in Russia.
3 G1: Total fertility Rate, France-Russia,
4 Introduction Effective control of Fertility The desire for children is the main catalyst of the process of procreation
5 Introduction Analysis of the gap between France and Russia in the level of fertility by studying the intentions of fertility and “favorable” conditions for the birth of a first and a second child.
6 Data and Methods 1 st STEP
7 Data and Methods 2 nd STEP
8 Data and Methods 3 rd STEP
9 G2: First rank cumulated fertility rate by sex and age groups, France and Russia
10 G3: Second rank cumulated fertility rate by sex and age groups, France and Russia
11 Parental conjugal status at 1st birth and conception according to parental status at 1st birth CountryGender Age groups Conjugal status Parental conjugal status at conception 1 at 1st birthfor child born inside marriage for child born outside marriage Mar- riage Without mar- riage Mar- riage Out- side union Cohabit ation Inside Union Outside union France Men Women Russia Men Women
12 Parental conjugal status at 1st birth and conception according to parental status at 1st birth CountryGender Age groups Conjugal status Parental conjugal status at conception 1 at 1st birthfor child born inside marriage for child born outside marriage Mar- riage Without mar- riage Mar- riage Out- side union Cohabit ation Inside Union Outside union France Men Women Russia Men Women First Child born inside marriage FranceRussia Men Women
13 Parental conjugal status at 1st birth and conception according to parental status at 1st birth CountryGender Age groups Conjugal status Parental conjugal status at conception 1 at 1st birthfor child born inside marriage for child born outside marriage Mar- riage Without mar- riage Mar- riage Out- side union Cohabit ation Inside Union Outside union France Men Women Russia Men Women First Child born inside marriage, conceived outside marriage FranceRussia Men Women
14 Parental conjugal status at 1st birth and conception according to parental status at 1st birth CountryGender Age groups Conjugal status Parental conjugal status at conception 1 at 1st birthfor child born inside marriage for child born outside marriage Mar- riage Without mar- riage Mar- riage Out- side union Cohabit ation Inside Union Outside union France Men Women Russia Men Women First Child born outside marriage inside cohabitation FranceRussia Men Women
15 Parental conjugal status at 2nd birth and conception according to parental status at 2nd birth CountryGender Age groups Conjugal status Parental conjugal status at conception 1 at 2 nd birthfor child born inside marriage for child born outside marriage Mar- riage Without marrige Mar- riage Out- Side Union Coha- bitation Inside Union Outside union France Men ,147,9 Women ,179,9 Russia Men Women
16 Parental conjugal status at 2nd birth and conception according to parental status at 2nd birth CountryGender Age groups Conjugal status Parental conjugal status at conception 1 at 2 nd birthfor child born inside marriagefor child born outside marriage Mar- riage Without marrige Mar- riage Out- Side Union Coha- bitation Inside Union Outside union France Men ,147,9 Women ,179,9 Russia Men Women nd Child born inside marriage FranceRussia Men Women
17 Parental conjugal status at 2nd birth and conception according to parental status at 2nd birth Countr yGender Age groups Conjugal status Parental conjugal status at conception 1 at 2 nd birthfor child born inside marriage for child born outside marriage Mar- riage Without marrige Mar- riage Out- Side Union Coha- bitation Inside Union Outside union France Men ,147,9 Wome n ,179,9 Russia Men Wome n nd child born inside marriage, conceived outside marriage FranceRussia Men Women
18 Parental conjugal status at 2nd birth and conception according to parental status at 2nd birth CountryGender Age groups Conjugal status Parental conjugal status at conception 1 at 2 nd birthfor child born inside marriage for child born outside marriage Mar- riage Without marrige Mar- riage Out- Side Union Coha- bitation Inside Union Outside union France Men ,147,9 Women ,179,9 Russia Men Women nd child born outside marriage inside cohabitation FranceRussia Men (88.9) (60.9) (74.1) ,1(57.1) Women (85.0) (71.4) (59.0) ,1(43.9)
19 Fertility intentions for childless people by gender and age groups CountryGenderAge groups Fertility intentions Unadjusted Number definitely yes 1 definitely not 2 Rather yes, rather not or do not know France Males Females Russia Males Females Age groups Definitely yes, males FranceRussia Age groups Definitely yes, females FranceRussia Age groups Rather yes, rather not or do not know, females FranceRussia
20 Fertility intentions for people having only one biological child by gender and age groups CountryGenderAge groups Fertility intentions Unadjusted Number definitely yesdefinitely not Rather yes, rather not or do not know France Males Females Russia Males Females Age groups Definitely yes, males FranceRussia Age groups Definitely yes, females FranceRussia
21 Fertility intentions for people having only two biological children by gender and age groups CountryGenderAge groups Fertility intentions Unadjusted Number definitely yesdefinitely not Rather yes, rather not or do not know France Males Females Russia Males Females Age groups Definitely yes, males FranceRussia Age groups Definitely yes, females FranceRussia Age groups Rather yes, rather not or do not know, females FranceRussia
22 Independent variables for logistic regression of positive fertility intentions Gender Age groups Parental divorce, size of siblings, nationality of respondent, and religion observance Occupation status of respondent and occupation status of father and mother (ISCO-88) Level of education, and intentions to resume studies Partnership/marriage Conception of Family Life Gender of the first child and age of respondent at the moment of the first birth
23 Gender and age groups Factors ChildlessOne biological child Relative risk FranceRussiaFranceRussia Gender Menreference Women1,39*1.62*** ** Age groups ,50*** * 25-29reference ,51*1.310,46** *1,19***0.25*** ,57*0.27***0,05***0.12*** ,21***0.15***0,02***0.02*** Significance: * 5 (per 100), ** 1 (per 100) and *** 1 (per 1000)
24 Parental divorce, size of siblings, nationality of respondent, and religion observance Factors ChildlessOne biological child Relative risk FranceRussiaFranceRussia Parental divorce yes noreference Size of siblings or morereference Nationality French / Russianreference Others ** Religious Observance Regular1,85* Irregularreference Non praticing (agnostic) **
25 Occupation status of respondent Factors ChildlessOne biological child Relative risk FranceRussiaFranceRussia Legislators, seniorofficials and managers Professionals Technicians and associate professionals reference Clerks * ** Service workers and shop and market sales workers ,27*0.75 Skill agricultural and fishery workers Craft and related workers * Plant and machine operators and assemblers * Elementary occupations *** None or unknow **
26 Level of education and intentions to resume studies Factors ChildlessOne biological child Relative risk FranceRussiaFranceRussia Level of Education Primary Secondaryreference Tertiary Studies in progress yes *** noreference Intention to resume studies yes1,06*** ** noreference
27 Partnership/marriage Factors ChildlessOne biological child Relative risk FranceRussiaFranceRussia Conjugal status alonereference in couple (partnership)3,38*** ** others Marital status singlereference- - married2,74*** others Number of unions 0reference 11,70**2.25** ,12**2.05* * 3 or more ** Intention to change its marital situation yes *** *** noreference do not know
28 Conception of Family Life Factors ChildlessOne biological child Relative risk FranceRussiaFranceRussia To grow happy, child needs a father and a mother at home agree or rather agreereference neither agree, nor disagree disagree or rather disagree To make happy, a woman must have children agree or rather agreereference neither agree, nor disagree disagree or rather disagree * To make happy, a man must have children agree or rather agreereference neither agree, nor disagree ** disagree or rather disagree0,48* A woman can have a child alone if she does not wish a stable relation with a man agree or rather agreereference neither agree, nor disagree disagree or rather disagree
29 Gender of the first child and age of respondent at the moment of the first birth Factors ChildlessOne biological child Relative risk FranceRussiaFranceRussia Age at the first child less than ,23*** – 29 years-- 0,44** – 34 years-- reference 35 or more Gender of the first child Boy-- reference Girl
30 Semi-parametric (Cox) model for first and second birth Gender Age groups Parental divorce, size of siblings, nationality of respondent, and religion observance Occupation status of respondent’s father and mother (ISCO-88) Level of education, and intentions to resume studies Conjugal events Gender of the first child and conjugal status at first birth
31 Gender and age groups Significance: * 5 (per 100), ** 1 (per 100) and *** 1 (per 1000) Factors Relative risk 1st birth FranceRussiaFranceRussia Gender Menreference Women1,46***1,17***1,50***1,13*** Age groups ,23***0,67***2,52***0,29*** 25-29reference ,16***1,36***0,872,25*** ,46***1,38***0,872,86*** ,45***1,40***0,883,19*** ,35***1,40***0,903,45***
32 Parental divorce, size of siblings, nationality of respondent, and religion observance Factors Relative risk 1st birth FranceRussiaFranceRussia Parental divorce yes1,15**1,33***1,082,38*** noreference Size of siblings 10,79**0,940,71***0,72*** 20,92*0,980,81***0,76*** 3 or morereference Religious Observance Regular1,15**0,951,050,95 Irregularreference Non praticing (agnostic)1,141,001,030,95 Nationality French / Russianreference Others0,91,010,76**1,07
33 Occupation status of respondent’s father Factors Relative risk 1st birth FranceRussiaFranceRussia Legislators, seniorofficials and managers0,961,010,961,04 Professionals0,931,001,010,95 Technicians and associate professionalsreference Clerks1,061,030,981,07 Service workers and shop and market sales workers1,111,071,101,05 Skill agricultural and fishery workers1,101,041,271,07 Craft and related workers1,161,041,24*1,00 Plant and machine operators and assemblers1,18*1,051,29**1,04 Elementary occupations1,19*0,991,231,03 None or unknow1,24**0,951,190,84
34 Occupation status of respondent’s mother Factors Relative risk 1st birth FranceRussiaFranceRussia Legislators, seniorofficials and managers1,140,911,271,08 Professionals0,930,970,870,96 Technicians and associate professionalsreference Clerks0,991,021,081,11 Service workers and shop and market sales workers1,211,041,33*1,13 Skill agricultural and fishery workers1,121,081,151,22 Craft and related workers1,171,031,221,05 Plant and machine operators and assemblers1,32*0,991,331,05 Elementary occupations1,33**1,041,181,10 None or unknow1,121,041,211,18
35 Studies and employment Factors Relative risk 1st birth FranceRussiaFranceRussia Studies in progress yes1,050,74***0,80* noreference With already worked yesreference no2,21***1,012,56***1,20***
36 Two possible conjugal events Factors Relative risk 1st birth FranceRussiaFranceRussia Two possible conjugal events never in couple0,25***0,28***0,53***0,26*** in cohabitation outside marriagereference married1,48***1,62***1,101,31*** cohabitation then marriage0,931,64***1,071,34*** in couple then to separate0,001,38***0,43***0,88***
37 Gender of the first child and conjugal status at first birth Factors Relative risk 1st birth FranceRussiaFranceRussia Gender of first child boy--0,961,13** girl--reference Conjugal status at first birth without union--1,61***2,21*** cohabitation--reference marriage - - 1,242,00***
38 Conclusions In France fertility intentions are generally higher than in Russia Factors which have influence on fertility intentions of childless people and fertility intentions of respondents with one biological child are different The most crucial factors for positive fertility intentions in both countries are conjugal status and number of unions, other factors are vary in France and Russia The most serious factors linked to probability of the first and second birth in both countries are age groups as well as conjugal events