True or False: During Stage 2 of a population’s demographic transition, the death rate declines.
True or False: Age-structure data includes the amount of population change due to immigration or emigration.
True or false: In the preindustrial stage, birth rates are low and the population grows rapidly.
True or False: Scientists predict population sizes by using fertility rate statistics and migration numbers.
True or false: When both CBR & CDR are high, population growth is slow or nonexistant.
True or false: Countries in the third stage of the demographic transition have societal conditions which favor smaller families.
Rapid, slow, or no growth?
Which type of survivorship curve is this? What’s happening with the death rate here? time % of surviving pop
Which type of survivorship curve is this? What age group has a high death rate? time % of surviving pop
Which type of survivorship curve is this? Is the average age of the pop young or old? time % of surviving pop
Rapid growth represented by a J-shaped curve.
The two revolutions that caused exponential growth of the world human population.
The average number of children each parent must have in order to replace themselves in the population. (the term, not the #)
Demographic transition stage in which the birth rate drops and the size of the population begins to decrease.
Three national/political strategies that could reduce population size.
A double-sided bar graph of age structures in a population..
The advancement of technology due to the use of machines.
Result of urbanization where the workforce in a city lives in the area around.
The movement of individuals into a population.
Countries that have entered the third stage of demographic transition are most probably characterized by…
Describes what has happened to fertility rates in developed countries in the last 40 years.
Describes what has happened to fertility rates in developing countries in the last 40 years.
When the average number of children born to each woman falls, the total population always (increases, decreases)
Three factors that can result in increased population
A shortage of ______ can result in a decrease in the food supply
Adequate sewage treatment facilities can result in decline of this type of disease.
Three reasons why human population doubled between
Essay option #1 According to the theory of demographic transition, why do birth rates fall during the third stage?
Essay option #2 Explain why human population continues to grow rapidly, even though birth rates have begun to fall.
Essay option #3 How might an improvement in a country’s educational opportunities lead to a decrease in its birth rate?
The study of human population patterns.