Summary Words Lesson 3
Following the developing of this world, a key word is becoming much more important now, that is "Globalization". What's globalization? For me, globalization means connections of this world are more close and whatever in economy or culture, it's opening now. As a result of these changes, in recent years, China's fast- developing impressed the world and some people announced now China played a very important role in this world. General Statement Definition Summary word & Elaboration 2
1: Summary Words continued 2. Elaboration (writing practice)
Guess the word I didn't feel right picking up the phone and talking to Freddy while Angelo was in my room, so instead of answering I switched off the ringer. I could see from the alert light it rang long as it could before switching to voice mail. It started right back up in a matter of seconds. This _______ went on a long time, ringing and ringing and switching to voice mail and ringing again.
Guess the word It appears as if the quarterback is simply following orders, as if he knows where he is going to throw the ball before the play begins. But this ________of the game is deeply misleading. After the ball is snapped, the ordered plan that fills the playbook degenerates into a street fight.
Guess the word Facebook also offers a " Notes " section, which has turned into another way of making yourself known to others at a deeper level. Not long ago someone wrote a note called " 25 Things You May Not Know About Me. " The person who came up with this _____ and wrote the note then invited 25 friends to read the note then write their own " 25 Things " list and share it with their friends
Worksheet 2 Summary Word Process1 Situation2 Finding3 Estimation4 Problem5 Difficulty6 Disruption View
Worksheet 3 Irrigation in Africa Decline in Motor Vehicle Deaths Researchers’ conclusion New construction creates More traffic Life expectancy up from 47 to 68 to 77
Technology essay These days technology has become an important part of our lives. People use technology in order to accomplish a number of different goals, one of the most important goals being to communicate with each other. When we communicate, we form connections with other people in a variety of ways in order to exchange thoughts and emotions and to create understanding. We no longer accomplish these important actions only by talking or by letter, but also through new technologies such as , Skype, and text messages. The use of these technologies in communication have been largely beneficial.
Pgh 1 Topic Sentence: If a key part of communication is the formation of connections, then one of the greatest benefits of new technology is that it provides more sophisticated ways to form such connections.
Pgh 1. (1) and Skype: not just updated letters and phone. Actually completely change communication (2) and Skype: cheaper and more efficient less interesting; provide visual information very interesting (3) usually just text, but can also add image and video (4) (3) is similar to Skype: can combine voice and video (5) Vision = most important way we see world. (6) Technology allows language + vision. This is important
Pgh 1 sample: If a key part of communication is the formation of connections, then one of the greatest benefits of new technology is that it provides more sophisticated ways to form such connections. (1) and Skype may seem like simple updates of familiar letters and phone calls, but they actually represent complete transformations of our communication. (2)Of course, these systems are cheaper and more efficient, but, more significantly, they add the ability to easily exchange information in visual forms, beyond traditional text and voice. (3) Although most s probably contain only text, the electronic form allows the addition of images and video. (4) This ability to combine forms of communication is similar to the video feature of Skype. Using an Internet voice connection, it is possible to see video of the people we are talking with, along with hearing their voices. (5) For most people, vision is probably the most important way of getting information about the world; by combining images and language, modern technology allows us to form more powerful connections.
Next week Connecting words & Phrases: However, Therefore, as a result Writing practice and elaboration (continued)