Study Skills: Test Taking Tips. Why is it so important to do well on tests? Doing well on tests enables us to: ▫Get better grades ▫Graduate from high.


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Presentation transcript:

Study Skills: Test Taking Tips

Why is it so important to do well on tests? Doing well on tests enables us to: ▫Get better grades ▫Graduate from high school ▫Be admitted into college ▫Enter the military ▫Get a job (jobs that require licensing and/or certification) ▫Feel good about the effort you put forth

Test Taking Tips Avoid waiting until the last minute to study. Study in 30 to 45 minute increments with breaks in between. Find a quiet and comfortable (not too comfortable) place to study with little distractions. Do what works for you. Some of you may prefer to listen to music and others may prefer silence.

Tips Continued Study the most important information first. Formulate your own questions that you think might be on the test as a way to study. Use any practice questions from homework, study guides, text books, or other materials to study. Get plenty or rest the night before. Stay relaxed during the test.

Tips Continued Ask the teacher for clarification during the test if you do not understand the question. Don’t spend too much time on a question that is giving you trouble. If you are able, you can come back to it. Some questions on the rest of the test might spark your memory. Read the entire question before you answer it. Check back over your answers before you turn in your test.

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