Preparing for the SOLs Jamie Hughes History & Social Sciences Professional Development Specialist
Thoughts on review O Review content regularly: It should be an on-going process through the year to help student make connections. O Content specific vocabulary should be developed by using words from the framework, and using tools such as maps, graphs, charts, images, etc. O 1/3 of the test is graphics. O When hands-on engagement is increased, interest, retention and transferable skills will also increase.
Teachers need to focus on students "doing history" not just "knowing history." No longer is memorizing the facts enough, they should also be able to: apply the essential skills make connections compare and contrast, analyze primary sources interpret maps and charts organize information in flow charts and time lines.
United States History to 1865 Assessments – Then and Now
United States History 1865 to the Present Assessments – Then and Now
Civics and Economics Assessments – Then and Now
Virginia and United States History Assessments – Then and Now
Stations Teams will investigate SOL review strategies for 10 minutes at each station. Blue Team-Station 1 Graphic Organizers Red Team-Station 2 Literacy Green Team-Station 3 Quick Formative Assessments/Closure