Japan’s model of welfare
Roots n Traditional culture (family, community & paternalistic state) meets with Western influence imported through early reforms & Allied Occupation (Western notion of rights and welfare structure) n Reforms in 1950s - 60s (Legislation, NHI, NPS) n 1973 ‘First Year of Welfare’
Japan-model of welfare society (Nihon-gata Fukushi Shakai) n Westernisation but not copying from the West n Highly skeptical on the ‘welfare state’ system n Preserve self-help, family care, community- oriented n Providing welfare without excessive public services n ‘welfare society with vitality’
Characteristics n limited notion of right, means-tested n government guarantees minimum standard n workfare (occupational benefit) n differentiated and unequal benefit n maintain inequality, social stratification and limited redistribution
Major programmes n National Pension System (employer- employee contributed, flat-rate and earning related benefit, meeting minimum living standard, fragmented schemes) n National Health Insurance (contributory and supplemented by work-related insurance schemes) Social welfare (Minsei-iin, limited state funding, amateur)