Passive/Active Voice
Gramática inglesa … Active voice My brother kicked the ball Passive voice The ball was kicked by my brother In other words… In a passive sentence, the object (the ball) becomes the subject and the subject (My brother) becomes what is known as the object.
Form of passive in past The passive in Spanish is formed in a similar way to the English passive: The relevant form of “to be” + past participle (was/were) + TAUGHT WRITTEN BUILT
Form past participle in Spanish ☻ Drop the –ar, -er, -ir ending. ☻ –ar verbs take the ending -ado(s), ada(s ☻ –er and -ir verbs take the ending -ido(s), ida(s) Example: tallar Past participle: tallado(s) or tallada(s) Example: construir Past participle: construido(s) or construida(s) ¡Atencion! In Spanish you must make the past participle agree with the subject (femenine/masculine, sing/plural).
Let’s change the original sentences into Spanish… Active voice My brother kicked the ball Voz Pasiva la pelota fue pateada por mi hermano. Voz Activa Mi hermano pateo la pelota patear= to kick
Let’s practice... 1.Almodóvar dirigio la película. 2. El profesor controlo los alumnos. 3. The sculptures were carved by Michelangelo. 4. The bridge was built in Those surrealist paintings were painted by Dali.
¿Ser o estar with past participle? It is important to know whether to use ser or estar with past participle: La puerta fue abierta por el señor La puerta estaba abierta Los documentos fueron firmados Los documentos estaban firmados So… Use ser to indicate the action being done Use estar to describe the result of a previous action