Unit 9: Learning aims A–D Teacher notes: Open by asking the group who has used a spreadsheet before. Ask individuals to explain what they have used it for and try to get a sense of any prior knowledge. If necessary plan for a full skills analysis early on to understand the individual learner needs. Make note of the connection with databases – i.e. there is some similarity between the way information is stored in the worksheets of a spreadsheet and the tables of a database but a database can handle more complicated and larger stores of information.
Learning aims In this unit you will: A understand the uses of spreadsheets and the features available in spreadsheet software packages B design a spreadsheet C develop and test a spreadsheet D review the finished spreadsheet. Teacher notes: PS 1 Explain that the unit is divided into 4 learning aims as shown. Briefly describe the unit as first understanding the features and uses of spreadsheets and then learning how to build a spreadsheet solution and put a design together. Learners will then create and review an actual spreadsheet. It is worth while ensuring that learners understand the need to capture requirements and put a design together before starting to develop the actual spreadsheet. Ask learners: What can go wrong later if you put the design together badly or do not follow the design? Much of the unit is practical. © Pearson Education Ltd 2013. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only.
Learning aim A: Understand the uses of spreadsheets and the features available in spreadsheet software packages Teacher notes: PS 2 Use this slide to introduce learning aim A. © Pearson Education Ltd 2013. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only.
What can spreadsheets do? Teacher notes: PS 3 Different organisations will need to use spreadsheets for different reasons. Ask learners what the main reason that all of them need to use spreadsheets is. Performing calculations is the central reason and this facility essentially allows all of the others. The order of importance of the rest is not crucial but ask learners for reasons or examples for each from the group. To be discussed in some detail are: Management of large volumes of information (i.e. datasets). Make the comment that the spreadsheet has a fixed number of columns and rows (unlike databases where the only limit is the availability of disk space) but that they can start to be unwieldy to manage if you try to use too much of the available cells in a single worksheet. It is better to use multiple worksheets. A major advantage is the speed and reliability of the recalculations. This is the key to productivity gains but is only really suitable for situations that have lots of similar calculations that are repeated over time. Presenting information. Volumes of numeric data are sometimes difficult to appreciate but use can be made of formatting options, layouts and conversion to graphics to help users appreciate trends and summaries. © Pearson Education Ltd 2013. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only.
Tools and techniques Cell manipulation and formatting Functions Data entry forms and validation Conversion of numeric data to charts and graphs Automation Teacher notes: PS 4 Over time, spreadsheets have become more sophisticated and have a wider variety of tools and techniques that you can use. In the early days the focus was only on the tools needed for simple calculations but now wider varieties of functions in specialist areas are common and also the ability to convert data into numeric forms without having to export to other software. The validation of input was a weakness of spreadsheets but now validation tools and data entry forms have given users much better control over input – still not as good as databases though. Spreadsheets are best employed when you have lots of similar calculations. A payroll is a good example where you might have many employees that need their wages calculated in the same way, repeated every month. Additional tools to automate have been added over time to increase efficiency as well as accuracy of working.
Learning aim B: Design a spreadsheet Teacher notes: PS 5 Use this slide to introduce learning aim B. © Pearson Education Ltd 2013. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only.
Design considerations Teacher notes: PS 6 Emphasise the importance of what the user needs – this is the key to good design. Users in this case include the people that commissioned the spreadsheet as well as the actual users of the finished product. The diagram shows the main considerations that must be taken into account when designing – the outcomes of all of these are summarised in the worksheet structure diagram. Discuss each consideration with examples. Question and confirm the importance of doing the test plan at this early stage. © Pearson Education Ltd 2013. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only.
Develop and test a spreadsheet Learning aim C: Develop and test a spreadsheet Teacher notes: PS 7 Use this slide to introduce learning aim C. © Pearson Education Ltd 2013. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only.
Developing and testing This learning aim is mainly practical: Creating the worksheets Adding test data Testing Refining and improving the database Teacher notes: PS 8 Point out to learners that unless the spreadsheet is very simple, the development should be based on a design. © Pearson Education Ltd 2013. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only.
Review the finished spreadsheet Learning aim D: Review the finished spreadsheet Teacher notes: PS 9 Use this slide to introduce learning aim D. © Pearson Education Ltd 2013. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only.
Reviewing Two main areas to review: Does it work – are the outputs correct? Does it meet the needs of the user in terms of: working within the constraints usability fit for purpose? Consider also: strengths and improvements Teacher notes: PS 10 Most people see the need to check that the spreadsheet actually works properly and the results of the calculations are correct – for example, that employees get the right wages each month – but it is just as important to check that the more general aspects of the solution are also met and this might involve a wider set of requirements. At the review stage it is also worth considering strengths and improvements – this is valuable for the developer as a form of reflection on their work but also maybe to form the basis of further work that can be presented to the customer. © Pearson Education Ltd 2013. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only.