Unclassified 1 T&E Update Kristen Barrera, 711 HPW/RHAS Subhashini Ganapathy, Wright State University
Unclassified DMAP Update Draft version is 95% complete Subhashini is cleaning it up We will send it out to the team shortly 2
Unclassified Testing and Evaluation Inputs - REQUEST The request for inputs has gone out to the participating countries ■Countries asked to “identify the best methods for providing distance education in order to prepare international military students for a resident training experience in the United States”. – Per Jacob’s to the MLS Team Inputs due via the Google Docs spreadsheet by 7 March
Unclassified Testing Architecture Provide easy access to content for testing Capture data related to surveys, transparent data collection 4 Secure Login Access Content Answer Pre- Survey Questions, Sign Consent Answer Post study questionnaire Database (SQL) Hosted at WSU
Unclassified T& E Methods Capture measures related to effectiveness, usefulness, usability, performance Creation of DMAP to capture measures Testing will include 1 pre-assigned method of content delivery and the second one will be the user choice 5