Trend Searching for News Librarians Gene Balk Orange County Register
Goals n Offer practical advice on searching for trends with available tools n Suggest how to use our trend searching skills proactively
NEXIS SmartIndexing n “Trends” is an index term in NEXIS n terms(trends)
NEXIS Trend Searching n News Group File, All - ALLNWS n Start with segment search: terms(trends) n Add secondary keywords in terms segment n Select geography and date range n Filter out “noise”
Sample Query News Group File, All terms (trends) and terms (market research or demographics or fashion or luxury goods or youth culture or youth market or mature market or boomer or empty nester or retiree or (generation pre/2 (x or y or z))) and (geography(north america) or country(united states)) and date aft may 25, 2002 and not terms (economic or financial or profits or trade or business or employment or editorials or census or politics)
NEXIS Trend Searching n RDS Business & Industry Database - RDSB&I n Search query similar to News Group File, All n Wider date range n Fewer filters needed
Sample Query - RDSBI terms (trends) and terms (demographics or market research or fashion or luxury goods or youth culture or youth market or mature market or boomer or empty nester or retiree or (generation pre/2 (x or y or z))) and (geography(north america) or country(united states)) and date is may, 2002 and not terms(economic or financial or trade or employment or business or politics)
NEXIS Trend Searching n RDS TableBase - RDSTBL n Culled from RDS Business/ Industry Database plus industry reports n All documents contain tabular data n Great for searching a particular topic - Use Product segment
Sample Query - RDSTBL product (cellular phone) and terms (trends)
Public Opinion (RPOLL) n Gallup, Harris, Roper; ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC; Los Angeles Times, New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal n current n Tracking opinion over time
Trend Research on the Web n Not much free market research information
Final Thoughts... n Note the best sources n Don’t forget the phone n Get to know your paper’s market research department