Jumanos continued
Jumanos Most of their fields were close to the river and streams, providing them with reliable sources of water. Jumano life was hard. Gathering wild plants was important. Not much food could be grown in the hot desert environment. Farming was especially difficult during droughts, or periods with little or no rain. Drought may explain why the Jumanos abandoned some villages in the early 1400s. They supplied corn and other crops from the farming villages to Plains Indians What region did the Jumanos live in?
Western Gulf People The Coahuíltecans Between San Antonio and Corpus Christi lies a dry plain that extends south and west across the Rio Grande. Small trees, brush, and desert plants cover much of this region. Today it is mostly ranch land. The Coahuíltecans were hunter-gatherers. As some of the least warlike of all Texas Indians, they ended up with the land with the fewest usable natural resources. Buffalo and other large animals were scarce. No animal was common enough to be a steady source of food. For this reason, the Coahuíltecans ate many things. They could quickly roll up the mats and hides, place them on their backs, and move to the next camp. Where the Coahuilticans nomads?
The Western Gulf
The Karankawas The Karankawas South of the Atakapans along the Gulf Coast lived the Karankawas. They survived by fishing in coastal bays and by hunting and gathering wild plants near the coast. They wore very little clothing. The women wore clothes made of deerskins or Spanish moss When the fish moved back into deep water, the villages broke into small bands of 30 to 40 people. These bands moved inland to hunt deer and gather fruits, seeds, and plant greens along rivers and on the coastal plains What did the Coahultican and Karawnkawas have in common? Where they both nomads along the Gulf Coast???? How where they different?