Improving health properties of food by sharing our knowledge on the digestive process FA1005 Start date: 05/04/2011 End date: 04/04/2015 Year: Starting Didier DUPONT Chair INRA / FRANCE
FA1005 objectives –Spread and improve current basic knowledge on food digestion –Identify the beneficial food components released in the gut during digestion –Support the effect of beneficial food components on human health –Promote harmonization of currently used digestion models 2 Scientific context and objectives (1/2) Diet-related diseases + age EU population ↑ Prevent these pathologies rather than cure them Gut = interface between food and human body Digestion releases beneficial food components ? Need to increase our knowledge on the effect of food on human health by increasing our knowledge on food digestion
3 Scientific context and objectives (2/2) Gather scientists from different disciplines (food science, nutrition, physiology, gastroenterology…) to share and improve our knowledge on food digestion Compare the existing digestion models, harmonize the methodologies and propose guidelines for performing experiments Validate in vitro models towards human data Describe the state-of-the-art and write reviews on burning topics like relationships between digestibility and allergenicity role of dietary proteins on apetite and satiety regulation impact of food on human microbiota Create a database of bioaccessible beneficial food components (already more than 5000 components identified by the ≠ partners)
4 Working groups INFOGEST Chair Didier Dupont - France Vice-chair Alan Mackie - UK Characterization of raw materials and processed food matrices for optimized nutrient bioaccessibility WG1 F Capozzi Italy B. De Meulenaer Belgium BFC identification Stability during processing Food multi-scale characterization Tor Lea Norway A. Bordoni Italy Evaluation of the health effects WG3 Immunomodulatory properties Regulation of appetite and satiety Effect of BFC on human microbiota I. Recio Spain In vitro, in vivo and in silico models of mammalian gastrointestinal digestion WG2 A. Brodkorb Ireland Digestion models harmonization Comparison in vitro / in vivo Digestion products identification BFC absorption /bioavailability Dairy Fruits & Vegetables Egg
5 Future Plan and Challenges List the methodologies used by the partners to characterize the structure of food development of a multi-scale approach List all the in vitro digestion models used by the partners Harmonization of the methodologies at the European level Gastric phase - pH - [pepsin], [lipase] - Temperature - Time Duodenal phase - pH - [ trypsin] [chymotrypsin] [lipase] - bile salts - Temperature - Time Oral phase -pH - saliva - [amylase]
Organize the dissemination towards food industry (newsletter, industry workshop…) for mutual progress Future Plan and Challenges Create a database of bioaccessible beneficial food components identified by « omics » approaches on human effluents