Surfrider Foundation CORE TRAINING 101 What you need to know about the organization.
MISSION STATEMENT The Surfrider Foundation is a grassroots, non-profit, environmental organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of oceans, waves and beaches through a powerful activist network. Core strategy: Engaged activism Vision: Healthy Coasts Primary metric: Action Index (AI)
Beach AccessSpecial Places Beach Preservation Water Quality
Chapter Responsibilities Our strength comes from strength in numbers and our work gets done through volunteers. Membership recruitment Cultivation of leadership Campaign Implementation Positive Proactive Programs/Events Financial reporting/Other Bylaw Standards
Positions Executive Committee Chair Vice Chair Secretary Treasurer Volunteer Coordinator Supporting Rolls Social media Event planners CORE support Website er Corporate Partnerships School Club Coordinators Campaign Leads
Chapter Programs RAP: Rise Above Plastics Ocean Friendly Gardens Quad: School Clubs Blue Water Task Force Chapternet Info on programs/activities/handouts/How-tos (registration required)
Tabling: “Talking the Talk” Read literature/local campaigns ahead of time Ask people what they’re interested in, why they came to the meeting, or if they’ve even heard of Surfrider before. Hand out information that outlines upcoming activities, events, and volunteer needs Ask everyone who visits the table to sign-up for future communications (using the sign-in sheet). Ask them to become a member! Tabling should be an ACTIVE activity, not a passive one
Campaign Strategy/Planning Consistent with Mission? Results oriented? Winnable? Easy to Understand? Time Frame? Builds Support (funding/new membership)? Goals Allies/Opponents Targets Tactics Support/Resources
TOP ??s ASKED How does Campaign, Program or Activity fit the Mission? Can ongoing Programs be part of a larger campaign? Are events random or used to highlight a program/campaign/membershi p?
What Can You Do? Sign up for Chapter s Join Chapter Facebook pages Attend monthly chapter meetings Become a member of Surfrider Sign up for Action Alerts Get involved by taking a role Plan and Run an event
Questions? Contact info: Chapternet Info/Register: