Saath-Saath Project Micro-planning: An innovative process to empower and engage outreach staff for strategic behavior communication for HIV prevention in Nepal Kiran Bam 1*, Bhagawan Shrestha 1, Mirak Raj Angdembe 1, Satish Raj Pandey 1 1 Saath-Saath Project, FHI 360 Nepal * Correspondence:
Saath-Saath Project Outline of the presentation Introduction Saath-Saath Project Snapshot Micro-planning Method Results Conclusion 2
Saath-Saath Project Introduction-1 Funded by: United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Duration: October 2011 – September 2016 Team: FHI 360 Nepal (Prime) Association of Medical Doctors of Asia More than 40 local NGO partners (Implementing Agencies) In close collaboration with Government of Nepal authorities at national and local levels Goal: To reduce the transmission and impact of HIV and AIDS and improve reproductive health among selected key affected populations (KAPs) in a manner that supports the Government of Nepal. Saath-Saath Project Snapshot
Saath-Saath Project Saath-Saath Project’s Comprehensive HIV Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support Activities Outreach by trained staff Drop-in Center/Expanded Integrated Health Services Operation Linkages to other services Follow-up outreach and clinic visits Capacity building Creating enabling environment Introduction-2
Saath-Saath Project Introduction-3 Is a participatory process Is a bottom-up process Provides information on risks and vulnerability of female sex workers (FSWs) Permits outreach staff to use information for planning, implementation and monitoring for behavior change communication sessions Micro-planning
Saath-Saath Project Introduction-4: Micro-planning Implementation Districts
Saath-Saath Project Method-1 STEPS OF MICRO-PLANNING
Saath-Saath Project Method-2 Recording and Reporting Tools
Saath-Saath Project Method-3 Tools allows outreach staff as well as program managers to understand specific risks and vulnerabilities of FSWs Outreach staff and program managers trained on the micro-planning principles, process and tools. Program managers regularly provide supportive supervision and onsite coaching
Saath-Saath Project Results-1 Micro-planning process helped strengthening quality of behavior change communication sessions Bottom-up planning Risk behavior analysis Use of the edutainment strategic behavioral communication (SBC) materials Increased number of visits to drop-in centers and utilization of HIV testing and counselling and STI examination services.
Saath-Saath Project Results-2: Key achievements
Saath-Saath Project Results-3 Micro- planning has supported to Track and monitor behavior change among FSWs through the use of various tools (individual profile, daily diary and coverage register) Improve and tailor the behavioral change communication messages, materials and methods based on the needs, priority, risks and vulnerabilities of FSWs.
Saath-Saath Project Results-4 Helped for paradigm shift from outreach staff to being passive data collectors to field site managers Improved the data analysis and use culture, ownership and accountability among outreach staff and program managers.
Saath-Saath Project Conclusion Involved the outreach staff and program managers meaningfully to collect, analyze and use the data to plan, implement, monitor and improve the behavior change communication for HIV prevention among FSWs in Nepal. Improve the ways of reaching the FSWs but also uptake of HIV services by FSWs. Paved the way for HIV program planners and implementers expand and scale up HIV prevention programs among other key affected populations in Nepal
Saath-Saath Project Voice of outreach staff It helps to improve and tailor the behavioral change communication messages, materials and methods based on the needs, priority, risks and vulnerability of FSWs. Micro-planning processes guides to conduct outreach session in systematic way and supports to manage prevention activities among FSWs It supports to track and monitor behavior change among FSWs through the use of various tools and aid to tailor the messages for educational session
Saath-Saath Project Acknowledgements Thanks to Government of Nepal for the support provided for Saath-Saath Project Profound gratitude to NGO partners who implemented the micro-planning activities Grateful to USAID Nepal for supporting Saath-Saath Project and for the approval to share these findings Thanks to SBCC Summit Scholarship Committee for the financial support Thanks to FHI 360 Nepal team for all the inputs and guidance
Saath-Saath Project Thank you!