The Decameron Aquarium is an all-inclusive resort situated in San Andres Island, Colombia, walking distance from the downtown commercial area that every people like to visit.
The relief is mountainous Gorgon, which ends in the Cerro La Trinidad with a height of 338 meters citation needed is the largest mountain on the island. Forming the backbone of the island are in addition to the Trinity, the hills The Micos, La Esperanza and the Mirador.
The island that I’m explaining it has a beautiful beach that you can have fun out there with their families, and it also have tree around the beach that look beautiful.
Gorgona is a veritable Eden from the point of view of diversity, as well as an invaluable place for scientific research. Located in the Pacific Ocean, and as part of the department of Cauca, sadly it used to be known for the high security prison established there during the seventies.
Gorgona is a Colombian island in the Pacific Ocean situated about 35 km (22 mi) off the Colombian Pacific coast. The island is 9 km (5.6 mi) and 2.5 km (1.6 mi) wide, with a maximum height of 338 m (1,109 ft) and a total area of 26 km 2 (10 sq mi). Gorgona is separated from the continent by a 270 m (890 ft) deep underwater depression.ColombianislandPacific Ocean
Their language is Spanish because there in the caribbean.
Their music is Salsa because they are Spanish people so they like to dance salsa with their friends.
Multiple Distant Origins for Green Sea Turtles Aggregating off Gorgona Island in the Colombian Eastern Pacific.