your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Presentation on Mid-Day-Meal, AWP&B for State of Punjab
your name your caption here Golden Temple, Amritsar - PUNJAB
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S E T U P Area Sq.K.M. Districts 20 Tehsils 72 Sub Tehsil 81 Education Block 216 CD Blocks 141 Towns 143 Villages / Wards 15340
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Demographic Profile (As per 2001 Census) Population Total 2.43 Crore (0-6) age group lac SC Population lac Sex Ratio 876 Literacy 69.70
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B E D U C A T I O N O V E R V I E W Universities 10 No. of Medical Colleges 17 No. of Arts, Home Sc., Commerce and Science Colleges 205 No. of Govt. Upper Primary Schools 6159 No. of Govt. Primary Schools 13449
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B L I T E R A C Y S T A T U S Overall Literacy rate of Punjab 69.7% Male Literacy rate 75.2% Female Literacy rate 63.4% Rural Female Literacy rate 55.3% Literacy rate of SCs 56.2% Literacy rate of SCs Female 48.2%
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B S. No. Type of InstitutionPrimary Schools Upper Primary Schools 1Govt Local Bodies 3Govt. Aided Sub Total (1+2+3) EGS Centres 00 6AIE Centres Sub Total (5+6) Grand Total (4+7) School Data
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Sr. No. ClassesEnrolment Children availing MDM 1. Primary (in lacs) Upper Primary (in lacs) 7.51 Student Strength
your name your caption here Primary and Upper Primary School M D M P U N J A B (A) (B) (A + B)
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Birth rate YearRuralUrbanCombined
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Death Rate YearRuralUrbanCombined
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Infant Mortality Rate YearRuralUrbanCombined
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Birth Rate:17.3 per thousand Death Rate:7.2 per thousand Infant Mortality Rate : 41.0 per thousand Birth rate, Death Rate and Infant Mortality Rate
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B OBJECTIVES To increase enrolment, retention and to tone up the learning abilities of the beneficiaries, especially of children belonging to poor sections of the society; To provide nutritious meal to the school going children to achieve the goal of Healthy mind in Healthy body; To promote friendship and feelings of common brotherhood among the children belonging to different caste, colour and creed by providing meals to them together.
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B School Health Programme
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Weight Recording
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Height Recording
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Examination by Department of Health
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B SCHOOL HEALTH CHECK-UP REPORT FOR THE YEAR TO Year No. of Students Examined (in lacs) No. of Students found suffering from various ailments (in lacs) Deficiencies Manifestation Skin Diseases (in lacs) Anemia (in lacs) Vitamins Deficiencies (in lacs) (20.2%) 2.39 (7.4%) 0.38 (1.2%) 1.12 (3.5%) (22%) 2.32 (7.5%) 0.36 (1.2%) 1.14 (3.7%) (21%) 1.60 (7%) 0.32 (1.4%) 0.84 (3.6%) (18%) 1.94 (7.2%) 0.35 (1.3%) 0.99 (3.7%) (upto 31/12/09) (20%) 1.47 (7%) 0.25 (1.2%) 0.99 (3.7%)
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B SCHOOL HEALTH CHECK-UP REPORT FOR THE YEAR TO Year No. of Students Examined (in lacs) Teeth and Gums (in lacs) Ear, Nose and Throat (in lacs) Eye Diseases (in lacs) Worm Infestation (in lacs) (4.5%) 0.49 (1.5%) 0.58 (1.8%) 0.26 (1.8%) (5.2%) 0.54 (1.7%) 0.62 (2.0%) 0.17 (0.6%) (5.2%) 0.47 (2.0%) 0.65 (2.8%) 0.15 (0.67%) (5.0%) 0.48 (1.8%) 0.67 (2.5%) 0.18 (0.7%) (upto 31/12/09) (5.2%) 0.42 (2%) 0.57 (2.7%) 0.12 (0.6%)
your name your caption here S S A P U N J A B Nutritional Status of School Going Children ( ) Anemia 7% Vitamin Deficiencies1.2% Source : Department of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Punjab.
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Funds Position during Item (i) Amount Admissibl e (ii) Unspent balance (as on ) (iii) Total funds released to Dept. (iv) Total Funds Available with schools Utiliz- ation Balance Cooking Cost (Primary) Cooking cost (Upper Primary) Rs. In lacs
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Funds Position during Item Amount Admissible Unspent balance (as ) Total funds released Total funds available with the State UtilizationBalance Transport assistance MME (Primart+ U. Primary) Total Rs. In lacs
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B System for Funds Transfer Finance Department Administrative Department District Education Officer (EE) Director General School Education Centre Head Teacher Village Education Development Committee (VEDC)/School 1. Mid-Day-Meal Society has been registered. 2. Funds are transferred electronically from State to districts and partially to VEDCs.
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Utilisation of Rice (Primary) Name of District Gross Allocation for the FY Opening Balance as on Lifted from FCI Aggregate quantity Consumed at School level Balance* (col.4+5-6) AMRITSAR BARNALA BATHINDA FARIDKOT FAT. SAHIB FEROZEPUR GURDASPUR HOSHIARPUR JALANDHAR KAPURTHALA Continue ……..
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Utilisation of Rice (Primary) Name of District Gross Allocation for the FY Opening Balance as on Lifted from FCI Aggregate quantity Consumed at School level Balance* (col.4+5-6) LUDHIANA MANSA MOGA MUKTSAR NAWANSHEHR PATIALA ROPAR SANGRUR SAS NAGAR TARN TARAN Total
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Name of District Gross Allocation for the FY Opening Balance as on Lifted from FCI Aggregate quantity Consumed at School level Balance* (col ) AMRITSAR BARNALA BATHINDA FARIDKOT FAT. SAHIB FEROZEPUR GURDASPUR HOSHIARPUR JALANDHAR KAPURTHALA Utilisation of Wheat (Primary) Continue ……..
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Name of District Gross Allocation for the FY Opening Balance as on Lifted from FCI Aggregate quantity Consumed at School level Balance* (col ) LUDHIANA MANSA MOGA MUKTSAR NAWANSHEHR PATIALA ROPAR SANGRUR SAS NAGAR TARN TARAN TOTAL Utilisation of Wheat (Primary)
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Summary (Primary) Allocation of Foodgrains = MT Opening Balance of Foodgrains = MT Total = MT Lifting from F.C.I. = MT Total Foodgrains Available = MT with schools i.e % (including opening balance) Total Utilization of Foodgrains = MT (by schools) i.e %
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Name of District Gross Allocation for the FY Opening Balance as on Lifted from FCI Aggregate quantity Consumed at School level Balance* (col.4+5-6) AMRITSAR BARNALA BATHINDA FARIDKOT FAT. SAHIB FEROZEPUR GURDASPUR HOSHIARPUR JALANDHAR KAPURTHALA Utilisation of Rice (Upper Primary) Continue ……..
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Name of District Gross Allocation for the FY Opening Balance as on Lifted from FCI Aggregate quantity Consumed at School level Balance* (col.4+5-6) LUDHIANA MANSA MOGA MUKTSAR NAWANSHEHR PATIALA ROPAR SANGRUR SAS NAGAR TARN TARAN TOTAL Utilisation of Rice (Upper Primary)
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Name of District Gross Allocation for the FY Opening Balance as on Lifted from FCI Aggregate quantity Consumed at School level Balance* (col ) AMRITSAR BARNALA BATHINDA FARIDKOT FAT. SAHIB FEROZEPUR GURDASPUR HOSHIARPUR JALANDHAR KAPURTHALA Utilisation of Wheat (Upper Primary) Continue ……..
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Name of District Gross Allocation for the FY Opening Balance as on Lifted from FCI Aggregate quantity Consumed at School level Balance* (col ) LUDHIANA MANSA MOGA MUKTSAR NAWANSHEHR PATIALA ROPAR SANGRUR SAS NAGAR TARN TARAN TOTAL Utilisation of Wheat (Upper Primary)
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Summary (Upper Primary) Allocation of Foodgrains = MT Opening Balance of Foodgrains = MT Total = MT Lifting from F.C.I. = MT Total Foodgrains Available = MT with schoolsi.e. 70% (including opening balance) Total Utilization of Foodgrains = MT (by schools) i.e. 60%
your name your caption here S S A P U N J A B Allocation, Lifting and Utilization of Food Grains Figures in MTs
your name your caption here MDM P U N J A B Allocation and Utilization of Cooking Cost (Primary) ItemGoI ShareState ShareTotal (i) Total allocation (ii) Opening Balance (iii) Funds released to Dept (iv) Total funds available (ii + iii) (v) Utilization (vi) Unspent balance as on (iv-v) Note : Rs lacs on account of Central and State share received after Thus balance after adjusting utilization comes to lacs Rs. in lacs
your name your caption here MDM P U N J A B Allocation and Utilization of Cooking Cost (Primary) Figures in Lacs
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B ItemGoI ShareState ShareTotal (i) Total allocation (ii) Opening Balance (iii) Funds released to Dept (iv) Total funds available (ii + iii) (v) Utilization (vi) Unspent balance as on (iv-v) Note : Rs lacs on account of Central and State share received after Thus closing balance after adjusting utilization comes to lacs Figures in lacs Allocation and Utilization of Cooking Cost (Upper Primary)
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Allocation and Utilization of Cooking Cost (Upper Primary) Figures in Lacs
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Construction of Kitchen Sheds
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Kitchen Sheds
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Year Kitchen devices sanctioned Kitchen devices procured Procurement in progress , Total Procurement of Kitchen Devices Funds for 8652 kitchen devices received only in December, 2009.
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Proposal for the year
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B No. of children who availed MDM ItemPrimary Upper Primary No. of Meals served To Cr.9.66 Cr. No. of days on which meals were served 140 days No. of children who availed MDM Lacs6.90 Lacs
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B ItemPrimary Upper Primary No. of Students who availed MDM Lacs6.9 Lacs Students of NCLP43500 Total No. of Students11.70 Lacs6. 9 Lacs No. of school working249 days Food grains required MT MT Requirement of Food grains
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B ItemsPrimaryUpper Primary Total Cost of Food grains Transportation Cooking Cost (central ) (State) Honorariums to cooks (central ) (State) MME Kitchen-cum-store (central ) (State) Kitchen Devices49.70 Total Total requirement of Funds ( ) Rs. In lacs
your name your caption here M D M P U N J A B Comments on the Observations made in the appraisal note.
your name your caption here It is apprised that there is a difference of one day during quarter 1 st, seven in quarter 2 nd, 9 in quarter 3 rd. This primarily because of the holidays declared by the State govt. on account of extreme weather conditions at appropriate time. The number of working days is less as approved by the PAB.
your name your caption here Perhaps it doesn't need any comments the shortage is only upto 2%. 98% of the average children avail MDM during the period.
your name your caption here Admittedly there is 14% and 12% decrease in district Faridkot and Moga respectively however the same is compensated by increase figures in adjoining districts. It is reported that there is some migrated labour working on the Brick Kilns etc which tend to move every now and then from one district to the other. Similar is the situation at upper primary at district Tarn Taran and Ludhiana. There has been district-wise differences in target and achievement on coverage of children
your name your caption here As 17 days out of 157 days during the first three quarters were declared holidays and thus accounting for approximate 11% leaving a balance of 5% which may be on account of the students' absence from the school. The difference between the number of meals to be served and the number of meals actually served is 15%
your name your caption here It is apprised that against an approved MME , the state received only Rs.47.9 lacs whereas the balance funds received after It is apprised that the funds under MME will be utilized 100% as payments is to be made and expenditure is to be incurred. Poor utilization of MME
your name your caption here It is apprised that there has been no problem in transporting the food grains upto the schools level however the funds were not utilized on account of non submission of bills by State agency in time and partially because of non receipt of revalidation of lacs. Utilization of the transport assistance
your name your caption here It is submitted that in continuation of the discussion held during JRM meetings, the State has sent a revised proposal on enhance MME as per the actual requirement to run the MDM scheme effectively. It is also mentioned that due to inadequate funds the staff employed under MDM is not given any annual increment which is totally unfair. Increase in MME Continue….
your name your caption here As a result the staff tends to leave the organization every now and then. It is requested that adequate funds may be released under MME as per the actual expenditure. Increase in MME
your name your caption here M D M PUNJAB Thank You