Christians learn to give It’s not difficult to receive gifts  Mt.5:45  Ep.1:3 “Give Me” Bad?Good?


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Presentation transcript:

Christians learn to give It’s not difficult to receive gifts  Mt.5:45  Ep.1:3 “Give Me” Bad?Good?

I. “Give Me” Is Wrong When It...

1. Associates us w. evil, Gn Costs too much, 2 Sm.23: Encourages covetousness, Pr.30: Satisfies worldly pleasures, Ja.4 David, 2 Sm.12 Ahab, 1 K.21 Judas, Mt.26 David, 2 Sm.12 Ahab, 1 K.21 Judas, Mt.26

1. Associates us w. evil, Gn Costs too much, 2 Sm.23: Encourages covetousness, Pr.30: Satisfies worldly pleasures, Ja.4 5. Aids revenge, Mk.6 6. Encourages selfishness, Lk Hinders spiritual growth, Ac.8

I. “Give Me” Is Wrong When It... II. “Give Me” Is Right When It...

1. Yearns for God’s promise, Gn.15 “Heir” – Ro.8:17 creatures NOT “if creatures, then heirs” (as most think) Abraham NOT “if children of Abraham, then heirs” (as Jews think) creatures NOT “if creatures, then heirs” (as most think) Abraham NOT “if children of Abraham, then heirs” (as Jews think) “And if children, then heirs – heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him…”

2. Makes salvation certain, Josh.2 Rahab – Had to know, 12 (Ex.12:13; Ezk.9:4-6; Jn.6:44-45) Had to know, 12 (Ex.12:13; Ezk.9:4-6; Jn.6:44-45) Had to share, 13 (Loved family; forced to act) Had to share, 13 (Loved family; forced to act) Had to obey, 14 (“If” – Jn.8:31-32 – conditional) Had to obey, 14 (“If” – Jn.8:31-32 – conditional)

3. Helps us understand God’s will, 2 Chr.1 Trials tend to bring out the worst in us (cf. Job) They can bring out the best “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him” – Ja.1:5

4. Helps to save souls, Jn.4 His gift far surpasses hers, 10 She seeks His gift, 15 (full circle) Others seek His gift, (new circle) 2 Sm.23 would Jesus would give His blood to provide this water of eternal life 2 Sm.23 would Jesus would give His blood to provide this water of eternal life

Jesus came to give that we might... receive that we might give, that others might...

2 Co.8: Amazing grace, 1 (9; 9:14; 1 Co.15:9-10) 2. Tested by trouble, 2 3. Beyond call of duty, 3 4. Poor beggars ask a favor, 4 5. The first gift, 5  Controlled by love, 5:14-15  Ac.16:9-10