1. My name is Josh, and in the next 4 weeks I have 4,000 interviews. I do not have a clue what to do and I need to know the ins and outs of how to be successful during an interview. (Josh talking) 2. Josh is clearly overwhelmed with the 4,000 interviews he has in his near future, especially because finding the right job in today's market is difficult. (Narrator talking) 3. That is why his roommate, Jake wants to sit him down to tell him the famous short- story of Mr. Vista. This short and sweet story has been read and downloaded millions of times by those who are preparing for an interview. (Narrator talking) 4. Jake believes that for Josh to learn about Mr. Vista will surely help him relax, feel comfortable, and help prepare him to gain an edge over other job candidates. (Narrator talking)
5. But Josh thinks differently. “Mr. Vista’s story is not going to help me!” Josh proclaimed. I can’t handle all of this pressure! I’m just going to call each of the company’s and tell them that I can’t handle this, and to hire me based off of my good looks. (Narrator/Josh talking) 6. After Josh realizes that his looks will not cut it, Jake is finally able to settle him down and tell him the amazing story of Mr. Vista. (Narrator talking) 7. The first thing that Jake tells Josh about Mr. Vista is that he researched the companies he was interviewing at, researched the positions he was interviewing for and then usually conducted mock interviews with his friends to help him prepare. (Narrator talking) 8. “What?” Josh yelled. “I do not know how to do mock interviews!” (Josh/Narrator talking)
9. Jake told Josh that all he has to do is get a friend and practice answering common interview questions, just like Mr. Vista did. (Narrator talking) 10. Mr. Vista studied and knew how to answer questions like: Tell me about yourself, why are you qualified for this position?, What do you know about this company?, and what skills do you possess that will help you in this position? (Narrator talking) 11. Jake went on to tell Josh that Mr. Vista always remembered the three C’s – calm, clear, and concise when answering his questions, which made all of his interviews run smoothly. (Narrator talking) 12. “So, if I learn how to answer common questions like Mr. Vista learned how, I will be fine, right?” Josh asked. (Josh talking)
13. Jake laughed and told Josh that that is just the beginning step! Mr. Vista also became familiar with tips on what to do during an interview… (Jake talking) 14. …Some tips include, how to dress appropriately, that you need to arrive minutes early, that you need to bring extra copies of your resume, that you need to stand to greet the interviewer, and that you need to speak slowly and clearly while answering questions. (Jake talking) 15. Although that sounds easy enough, Josh is clearly overwhelmed with all of this information provided in Mr. Vista’s story. “What did Mr. Vista do after his interviews?” Josh went on to ask. (Josh talking) 16.Jake said Mr. Vista showed he was still interested in the job by closing all of his interviews with the line, “I would really like to contribute to this company and I believe this position would be a rewarding experience that will allow me to grow as a professional.” (Jake/Mr. Vista talking)
17. Mr. Vista also thanked his interviewers, sent a thank you note to his interviewers within 1 week of the interview date, and reflected on how his interviews went to make improvements for future ones. (Narrator talking) 18. But wait! Josh knew there had to be more! And, he was right! (Narrator talking) 19. Jake told Josh that Mr. Vista always checked over his “To do and don’t” list before leaving his apartment for every interview. For example, Jake said, some “To Do’s” include… (Narrator/Jake talking) 20. Do: Express confidence Project a positive attitude Smile/make good eye contact (Jake talking)
“ 21. And what not do, Jake said is not to: Rush through answers Sound rehearsed Apologize Be nervous Chew gum (Jake talking) 22. Now that Josh knows the story of Mr. Vista, he feels more comfortable about his 4,000 interviews right around the corner. (Narrator talking)