My Life! On the eve of November 20, 1993, a young baby was born as a star shot across the heavens; a baby more impressive than a box of fire breathing puppies. This baby graced many different people with his presence, making stops in Texas, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania Not from anywhere. I’m from everywhere.
Knowledge! Went to Pre-School. Went to regular school. Attended lots of Elementary Schools. Attended Rodney Thompson Middle School and Fred S. Engle Middle School. Attended Colonial Forge High School Avon Grove High School. I’m trained in things.
Intended Major! Engineering. Why? I like engineering.
The Future! A job. Then more school somewhere. Then another job. Keeping those options open.
Hobbies! Countless activities fancy a sophisticated individual such as myself. How can one function without the felicity that is music. All types of music can put a smile on this man’s face. Except screaming stuff, who screams at people. Ukulele is fun. The gift of theatre is a jovial gift that cannot be ignored. On Warm summer days, nothing can bring me more joy than a lovely movie. On cold winter nights, I take pleasure in movies. I might dare say that I enjoy film at any time. Sports. Sports. Sports.