By Lucie Marquis
Introduction To the right is the official You Me At Six website. Characteristics of the official website Colour scheme, layout, text, navigation Likes/dislikes My website- what I will change Image of official website You Me At Six are a pop/punk band from Weybridge in Surrey. 5 members.
Assets Images Videos (YouTube) Music (Spotify) Animations, gifs Slideshows Photo/video gallery
Site Map Josh Franceschi Homepage Gigs+Tours Chris Miller Max Helyer Matt Barnes Dan Flint Gallery Music videos The Band
Meta data Here is a list of key words that would be linked to my website if searched in a search engine. You Me At Six, ymat Josh Franceschi, Max Helyer, Chris Miller, Matt Barnes, Dan Flint Music, Pop/punk, rock, alternative rock, pop/rock, Band, boy band, singers, group, tours, gigs, concert Song lyrics