WHAT DOES THE YEAR PLAN LOOK LIKE? Standards Resources District Grade Levels – Pacing Charts for Units of Study D45 Second Grade Teacher Carly O’Brien worked on the district team level to develop the following Pacing Chart.
ELA/BUF Writing- Schoolwide MathSocial StudiesScience August/ September National Geographic: Communities Daily 5/Cafe Strategies/Genres Nouns and Pronouns How Writers Work Chapter 1: Number Concepts (~12 days) Chapter 2: Numbers to 1,000 (~15 days) Unit 1: Governing the People/Communities BUF Visualizing & Making Connections October National Geographic: Communities Story Elements (with Anchor charts in Spanish and English) Verbs How Writer’s Work (cont.) Chapter 2 (cont.) Chapter 3: Basic Facts and Relationships (~14 days) Chapter 4: 2-Digit Addition (~15 days) Unit 1: Governing the People/Communities BUF Visualizing & Making Connections NovemberNational Geographic: Properties of Matter Vocabulary Strategies Adjectives and Adverbs Personal Narrative Chapter 4: 2-Digit Addition (~15 days) Chapter 8: Properties of Matter BUF Identifying text features & Sequencing
December National Geographic: Maps Fairy Tales- comparing, point of view Subjects and Predicates Teacher Choice -Extended Response -QAR -Opinion Chapter 5: 2- Digit Subtraction (~14 days) Unit 2: Our World/Maps BUF JanuaryNon-Fiction (see Fundamentals Writing Non- fiction) National Geographic: Prehistoric Life Dinosaur Research Project Chapter 6: 3- Digit Addition and Subtraction (~13 days) Chapter 7: Money and Time (~14 days) Chapter 7: dinosaurs BUF Making Connections, Asking Questions, Comparing/Contr asting,& K-W-L Charts
ELAWritingMathSocial StudiesScience February Non-fiction National Geographic: Produccion de bienes Research Project Chapter 7 (cont.) Chapter 8: Length in Customary Units (~12 days) Unit 3: Our Resources March Poetry (see Fundamentals Writing Poetry) Poetry Chapter 9: Length in Metric Units (~ 10 days) April Chapter 1 & 3- How Plants and Animals live together Poetry: Informational and Opinion Chapter 10: Data (~9 days) Unit 4: People Long Ago National Geographic: Habitats de los animales MayMulti-Genre Chapter 11: Geometry and Fraction Concepts (~13 days) Chapter 6- Earth’s Weather and Seasons JuneMulti-GenreEnd of Year Planner: Getting Ready for 3rd Grade Unit 5:A World of Many People Unit 6: People in the Marketplace (Economics UBD Unit) Unit 6: cont. Map Skills Chapter 5: Earth’s Land Air and Water
BUF WRITING Time Allocation Team Collaboration Standards Driven Units Please go to for sample BUFSwww.teachingforbiliteracy.com created by D45 Second Grade Team: Katie Hauserman, Sara Hill, Carly O’Brien, Olga Karwoski, & Kylie Takashima
What Does the BUF look like on a day to day basis?
Daily Schedule Sample Llegada,escoger almuerzo, y leer solito 8:05 Lealtad a la bandera 8:15 Lectoescritura: Taller de lectura 8:20 Agenda de Tareas,Merienda,HWT 9:10 Specials 9:20 Lectoescritura10:30 Libreta de escritor/a 11:00 Almuerzo/SPA 11:20 Matemáticas 12:00 Language Arts 1:00 Mailboxes, Pack Up, Read Aloud 2:15 Class Goodbye and Dismissal 2:30