New Curricula Proposal at FSMN by Miroslav Ćirić & Predrag Krtolica
Contents General Principles List of Subjects Risks and Limitations Conclusion
General Principles Lean heavily on IEEE 2001 Computing Curricula. One-semester courses. Emphasis on computer science, not on mathematics. Workload 24 classes per week. Four year undergraduate studies, postgraduate must be defined later.
Contents General Principles List of Subjects Risks and Limitations Conclusion
List of Subjects Final distribution per years is not done yet. Two streams of the subjects: computer science (informatics) and mathematics. Three levels of courses.
List of Subjects Introductory level InformaticsMathematics 1. Programming Fundamentals Discrete Structures I 2. OO Programming Discrete Structures II 3. Data Structures & Algorithms 4. CS Fundamentals
List of Subjects Intermediate level InformaticsMathematics 5. Algorithm Design & Analysis Differential Calculus 6. Computer Architecture Integral Calculus 7. Operating Systems Algebra 8. Internet Technologies Linear Algebra 9. Artificial Intelligence Two Variables Functions 10.Databases Probability and Statistics 11. Software Development
List of Subjects Advanced level (some of the courses are elective) InformaticsMathematics 12. Automata & Language Theory Numerical Analysis 13. Programming Languages Operational Research 14. Parallel Algorithms & Architectures Modeling & Simulation 15. Information Systems Geometry 16. Computer Graphics & Multimedia Combinatorics 17. Software Engineering
List of Subjects Advanced level (some of the courses are elective) InformaticsMathematics 18. Distributed OS 19. Data Communications 20. Advanced Algorithmic Analysis 21.Cryptography 22. Coding and Information Theory 23. Compiler Construction 24. Functional & Logic Programming
List of Subjects Advanced level (some of the courses are elective) InformaticsMathematics 25. Advanced Database Systems 26. Distributed and Object Databases 27. Professional practice 28. Diploma work
Contents General Principles List of Subjects Risks and Limitations Conclusion
Risks and Limitations This is only draft proposal. Acceptance at home institution is under the question! Law limitations must be taken seriously!
Contents General Principles List of Subjects Risks and Limitations Conclusion
Conclusion Now, we plan much more than at beginning of the project. Unfortunately, we must struggle hard to implement this. Anyway, this is the only way to keep pace with present trends in the area.