Introduction to Programming Welcome to Our Class.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to Programming Welcome to Our Class

What this class is?  An introductory course in computer programming/software engineering and applications. This course introduces students to the fundamentals of computer programming. Students will learn to design, code, and test their own programs while applying mathematical concepts and real world business skills. Students will be introduced to concepts and problem solving skills through the programming language Small Basic.  The second half of the year reviews and builds on the concepts introduced in the first semester. This semester introduces students to more complex data structures and their uses, including sequential files, arrays, and classes. Students will learn to create more powerful programs through fun interactive and non-violent game/industry programming.

The Main and Only Rule

Standard Behavior Policy  I expect all my students to respect all teachers, themselves and others around them. That means no:  name calling  Bullying  throwing objects  Hitting Any type of activity that may disrupt the class. That said the respect that I ask of you will be the same respect I will be giving you.  Yelling  Profanity  Sleeping  Talking while others are talking

Electronics Policy  There should be no cell phones, mp3 players or any other electronic devise except a calculator (only if instructed to use one) during my class. If you are caught with any of these devices they will be taken away and given back after school.  If electronics becomes a continual problem I will then take the your electronic devise to the office for your parents to pickup.

Disciplinary Policy If any of the Behavioral Expectations, Electronics Policy, or Standard Behavioral Policy is violated then the following steps will be taken in any order: Steps  Verbal warning  Sent outside and a lunch will be assigned.  Referral to office and or a parent call will be made. Note: If you are given a lunch detention and fail to come in for it on your assigned day you will receive a call home. If you still refuse after come to your assigned detention then a referral will be given and a second call home will be made.

Daily Goals Handout (5 Points)  This handout will be collected every Friday and it will have the state standards covered and the assignment for each day of the week. The Daily Goals Handout will be the top page of your Assignment Packet and count towards five points of your Assignment packet grade.

Assignments  All digital assignments will be turned in through Google Drive and or printed.  Assignment due dates will fluctuate depending on complexity of the project.

A Day in Computer Applications


After School Study Sessions

Parent Contact – Parent Letters  Parent Letters: After every assessment a parent letter is sent home stating the students current grade in the class, any missing homework assignments, all assessment grades and if there are any study sessions and retake assessments that need to be completed.  Parent s: s are sent to parents almost every Monday stating what events will be happening during class that week.

Class Website   Keep informed about everything that goes in the classroom by easily viewing important information on the home page, viewing/downloading classwork, homework and lesson PowerPoints all through an easy to use calendar. No longer will you ever have to wonder what your child is learning in class again! Any changes to the class syllabus will be posted to the class website and an will be sent to parents informing them of the change. Note: The class website will not be active until august 11 th, 2014.

Grading Scale:  Class Participation 5%  Classwork 5%  Assignments 5%  Assignment Packet & 5% Daily Goal Handout  Exams 65%  Quizzes 10%  Final Project 5%

Everyone Can Get an A