Literature Review Some Tips Adapted from: review
Review of literature should Be around or related to the research questions being developed Synthesize results into a summary of what is and is not known Identify area of controversy in the literature Formulate questions that need further research
Ask yourself What are research problems/issues or questions that the review helps to define? What particular area/issue that you are reviewing? (issues of theory? concept? methodology? policy? quantitative/qualitative aspects? What is scope of my review? (types of publication) Have I critically analysed the literature used? Have I cited and discussed studies contrary to my perspective? Have I taken good notes in the process?
Ask yourself each book What are the questions/problems/issues? Are they clearly defined? Significances are clearly established? Could the problems be approached more effectively from other perspectives? What is the author’s theoretical/conceptual framework? What is the relationship between the theory and research perspectives? Has the author evaluate the literature relevant to the problems/issues? How good is the research design? How does the author structure the argument? (Can you deconstruct the arguments easily) How does this book relate to specific questions/problems/issues you are developing
Scope of research Normally guided by: –Topics/Questions/problems/issues –Types of research –Resources Usually covers: –Areas/sites –Target groups –Time period covered