Working together to reduce fuel poverty in Mid Sussex Elisabeth Willett, Secretary, MSOPC Anita Wright, Project Officer
MSOPC Local charity, the aim of which is to improve the situation for older people Set up, managed and run by older people, all volunteers – began as an informal group in Supported by paid professionals – such as Anita Provides a two- way information network via its newsletter, website, and its events – including weekly IT drop 1:1 in sessions, an annual Christmas part, an AGM with a debate on an important issue for older people – 2016 the subject is Creating Safer Communities, outreach events to villages, consultations Also provides a voice for older people
Why? There were an estimated 43,900 excess winter deaths in England and Wales in , a 15-year high. The Office for National Statistics figures show that the number of excess winter deaths was 151% higher than in , representing the biggest yearly increase since records began. Winter conditions can be seriously bad for our health, especially for the more vulnerable people including those aged 65 or older, and for the under fives. Mid Sussex has a higher than average number of retired residents – 18.1% compared to 17.1% for the South East, and 16.4% nationally.
Why? Grants were available to charities, working in partnership. Application made – greatly helped by two key partners - MSDC and Mid Sussex Wellbeing MSOPC awarded a grant – the only charity in Sussex to get one, other than in Brighton
What’s on offer Training – for those working with older people and families with children under 5 Awareness raising and self-help materials – room thermometers paid for from the grant - and booklets – thanks to the WSCC Fuel Povety Co- ordinator and the NHS A local number (picked up by the Wellbeing Team) and address (picked up by the MSDC Sustainability Officer) for people to contact who need more help
What’s on offer Outreach sessions – there were 4 in November, and more planned, including at Play and Learn sessions run by our other partner, the Children and Family Centre’s. Some people resources to give the more detailed help A small pot of money to pay for measures where the household is not eligible for any others.
What is fuel poverty and what can be done to reduce it? This is where I hand the baton on to the experts! Happy to try and answer any questions you have about MSOPC, or the initiative in general, in the breaks or via or telephone. Do please take a newsletter or a card which provide contact details.