Penal Law of the Church PL 7. The CDF
1. No accusers. Charles Curran You [Charles Curran] have publicly protested that you were never told who your ‘accusers’ were. Now, the Congregation has based its examination exclusively on the works that you have published and your replies to its own ‘observations.’ Therefore, your own works, and nothing else, have been your accusers. Communicationes, 1986, 277.
2. Pastor bonus 1988 The Congregation examines offences against the faith and more serious ones both in behaviour or in the celebration of the sacraments which have been reported to it and, if need be, proceeds to the declaration or imposition of canonical sanctions in accordance with the norms of common or proper law. John Paul II, Apostolic constitution Pastor Bonus, 28 June 1988, article 52.
3. Regulations for doctrinal examination 1997 Art. 1. [The CDF] renders a service to the truth, by protecting the right of the People of God to receive the Gospel message in its purity and entirety. Therefore, in order that faith and morals not be harmed by errors however disseminated, it also has the duty of examining writings and opinions which appear contrary to correct faith or dangerous. (…) Art. 18. The possibility is also foreseen of a personal meeting between the author, assisted by his advisor (who takes an active part in the discussion) and delegates of the Congregation. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Regulations for doctrinal examination - Ratio Agendi, 30 May 1997
4. Sacramentorum Sanctitatis Tutela (2001) Norms concerning the most serious crimes (2010) The right, as mandated by the Roman Pontiff, to judge Cardinals, Patriarchs, Legates of the Apostolic See, Bishops and other physical persons found in CIC can §3 and CCEO can Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Norms concerning the most serious crimes, (approved by Benedict XVI on 21 May 2010 (modifying: John Paul II, Motu proprio Sacramentorum Sanctitatis Tutela of 2001).