By Alejandro Soto Fernando Javier Chris Vasquez Evelyn Morales Chapter 6 Sections (3-4) Humans in the Biosphere
Chapter 6 Section 3 Biodiversity Vocabulary :
Biodiversity Definition: is the sum total of the genetically hazel variety of all organisms in the biosphere
Ecosystem Diversity Definition: includes the variety of habitats communities,and ecological processes in the living worlds
Species Diversity Definition: refers to the number of different species.
Genetic Diversity Definition: Includes the variety of habitats communities,and ecological processes in the living.
Extinction Definition: occurs when a species disappears from all or part of its extinction
Habitat Fragmentation Definition: development of then splits ecosystem into pieces.
Endangered Species Definition: A species whose population size is declining in a way that places it in danger of extinction.
Biological Magnification Definition: concentrations of a harmful substance increase in organisms at higher topic levels in a food or food webs
Invasive Species Definition: reproduce rapidly.
Conversation Definition: used to describe the wise management of natural resources, including the preservation of habitats and wildlife.
Chapter 6 Section 3 Notes
The Value of Biodiversity ● One of Earth’s greatest natural resources is biodiversity ● Provides us humans food, industrial products, & medicines
Threats to Biodiversity -To reduce biodiversity we must by altering habitats,hunting species to extinction,introducing toxic compounds into food web, and introducing foreign species to new environments.
Habitat Alteration ● Making land & buildings = habitats being destroyed ● Animals vanished when habitats are destroyed + =
Demand for Wildlife Product -In the 1800 us the people extinction of species such as the carolina parakeet and the passenger pigeon. -Some species are hunted for their meat,fur,or hides
Pollution -The scientist made this thing called the DDT it something that controls agriculture pests and diseases carried by mosquitoes -DDT is hazardous it is broken down by metabolic processes in bacteria,plants,or animals
Introduced Species ● Invasive species increase their pollution because of the new land they were put in ● Cause problems in the U.S
Conserving Biodiversity Conservation biology = Protecting biodiversity
Strategies for Conservation -conservation efforts workes on protecting entire ecosystems as well as single species. -The hot spots they must protect is Indo- Burma,Western Ghats,Tanzania,Caribbean,Brazilian Atlantic Forest,Madagascar.
Conservation Challenges ● To make Conservation, it requires people to change their way of living ● If people don't stop, the jobs that work on the ecosystem might vanish as well ● Example: Fishing affects the ecosystem because fish is vanishing little by little
1. Why is biodiversity important ? Biodiversity is important because it is one of earth’s greatest natural resources. Section 3 KEY CONCEPT
2.What are the current threats to biodiversity? A current threat to biodiversity is human activity. it alternates habitats,hunting species to extinctions introducing toxic into food webs.
Section 3 KEY CONCEPT 3. What is the goal of conservation biology? The goal of conservation is protecting ecosystem protecting the ecosystem ensures natural habitats and interactions with different speices.
Chapter 6 Section 4: Charting a Course for the Future
Ozone Layer ● The ozone layer is an atmospheric layer in which ozone gas is relatively concentrated. ● The ozone layer is between 20 and 50 kilometers above the earths surface. ● Molecules of ozone consist of 3 oxygen atoms.
Global Warming Definition: Increase in the average temperatures on Earth
Section 4: Key Concepts What are two types of global change of concern to biologists? The two types of global changes that concerns biologists are the ozone layer being high in the atmosphere and the global climate system.
Early Evidence ● In the early 1970’s scientist found trouble in the ozone layer, they found out by its satellite. ● They discovered a gap, or a hole you can say. ● A research team went and discovered the hole getting larger.
One Solution ● The one solution to the gap in the ozone layer were CFC’s. ● Data predicts that the ozone layer will be gone in around 50 years or so.
Ozone Depletion :Between 20 and 50 kilometer above Earth’s Surface,the atmosphere contains a relative high concentration of ozone gas called OZONE LAYER
Global Climate Change ● Climate is a big part of our earth, we depend on its sun and rainfall ● Many ecologists are concerned about the strong changes in the climate
The Value of a Healthy Biosphere How can we keep our biosphere healthy? ● When watering our plants or even showering we can use less water than we usually do. ● People can plant trees to replace the ones that were cut down. ● Most importantly you can RECYCLE!
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