C CONVERSATION: Voice level 0. No talking! H HELP: Raise your hand and wait to be called on. A ACTIVITY: Whole class instruction; students in seats. M.


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Presentation transcript:

C CONVERSATION: Voice level 0. No talking! H HELP: Raise your hand and wait to be called on. A ACTIVITY: Whole class instruction; students in seats. M MOVEMENT: Remain in seat during instruction. P PARTICIPATION: Look at teacher or materials being discussed. Raise hand to contribute; respond to questions, write or perform other actions as directed. NO SLEEPING OR PUTTING HEAD DOWN, TEXTING, DOING OTHER WORK. S Activity: Teacher-Directed Instruction

2010 The Chain Rule Continued !

CHAIN RULE: Can Get Big and Ugly ! ! !

Templates: Sin 2 (4x+3) Analysis: _________________________________________________ Analyze the problem before you begin! argument 3 link chain Derivative of the outside * the inside * derivative of the middle

Templates: + Analysis: _______________________________________________________ Product Rule with 1 chain factor ( ) chain

Templates: - Analysis: _______________________________________________________ ( ) Quotient Rule with chain factor chain

Templates: Analysis: _______________________________________________________ Quotient inside of a chain Derivative of outside leave the inside alone * derivative of inside

Templates: Analysis: _______________________________________________________Product inside chain outside inside