By: Dillon Deal THX for playing!!!!!!!!!!!
2 pt. 3 pt. 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1 pt. Baseball FootballBasketballLacrosseSoccer
Who has the 2 nd most home runs in baseball???
Hank Aaron ( Atl. Braves )
Who Has The most stolen bases in baseball?
Rickey Henderson ( Oakland A’s )
Who had the most base hits in their baseball career?
Pete Rose (4256)
Which MLB pitcher had the most strikeouts in 2011?
Nolan Ryan (5,714)
2 x The Points!!! Who had 3 inside the park homeruns in a game?
Tom McCreery (the only person to)
Who was the Broncos QB in 2011?
Tim Tebow (out of UF)
Who was UGA’s best running back?
Herschel Walker
Which UGA WR plays for the Bangles?
A.J. Green (number 8 in 2010 for bulldogs)
Who won the BCS National Champ. In 2011?
Alabama ( BOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!)
Who won the Super Bowl in 2011?
The Green Bay Packers
Basketball 1 pt. Who invented basketball???
Dr. James Naismith
Who did Michael Jordan Play Basketball for?
Mainly the Chicago Bulls
Did Kobe Bryant get hurt in the All-Star Game? If so where?
Yes he did get hurt in the All-Star game and he hurt his nose
When did Michael Jordan RETIRE
Retired for second time on Jan. 13, 1999
Who won the champ. Game in 2010 (NBA)?
The L.A. Lakers
Lacrosse 1 pt. Is lacrosse the national sport of Cananda?
NO hockey is the national sport of Canada
Who are The best lacrosse players of all time?
The Stanwicks, probably. Sheehan Stanwick Burch, Wick Stanwick, Coco Stanwick, Tad Stanwick and Steele Stanwick.
How was lacrosse made?
Lacrosse was invented my native North Americans. They used this now sport as a test for how tough a warrior would be in battle.
Time limit for college lacrosse?
There are two 25 minuet quarters :)
How does lacrosse start?
It starts when two midfielders face off in the middle of the field
Soccer 1 pt. What did a soccer ball used to be made of?
it was made from an inflated pigs bladder with a leather casing.
Soccer 2 pt. Can the goalie come out of the goalie box?
Yes the goalie just can’t use their hands when they leave the box.
Soccer 3 pt. How wide is a pro soccer goal?
24 feet wide! (8 feet high)
Soccer 4 pt. Who is the women’s USA soccer team goalie?
Hope Solo ( like Han Solo from Star Wars) HEHE
Soccer 5 pt. How many players can you have on the field at once in pro soccer?
22 players (that is with both teams on the field)