Christina Markert 22 nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March 2006 1 Christina Markert Kent State University Resonance Production in RHIC collisions Motivation.


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Presentation transcript:

Christina Markert 22 nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March Christina Markert Kent State University Resonance Production in RHIC collisions Motivation Resonance in hadronic phase R AA, elliptic flow v 2 Chiral symmetry restoration (Future plans) Summary for the STAR Collaboration

Christina Markert 22 nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March Why Resonances ? Bubble chamber, Berkeley M. Alston (L.W. Alvarez) et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 6 (1961) 300. Invariant mass (K 0 +   ) [MeV/c 2 ] K* - (892) Number of events Luis Walter Alvarez 1968 Nobel Prize for “ resonance particles ” discovered 1960 K* from K - +p collision system K    p     p  K      Resonances are: Excited state of a ground state hadron. With higher mass but same quark content. Decay strongly  short life time (~ seconds = few fm/c ), width = reflects lifetime Can be formed in collisions between the hadrons into which they decay. Why Resonances?: Short lifetime  decay in medium Surrounding nuclear medium may change resonance properties Chiral symmetry restoration: Dropping mass -> width, branching ratio RHIC: No strong indication of medium modification (mass, width) But: Indication of extended lifetime of hadronic medium.  = h/t STAR

Christina Markert 22 nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March Thermal Models Describe Hadronic Yields hadron-chemistry: particle ratios  chemical freeze-out properties T ch ≈ T C ≈ 165 ± 10 MeV Chemical freeze-out ≈ hadronization. s ~ u, d Strangeness is chemically equilibrated. Thermalized system of hadrons can be described by statistical model (mass dependence) ~75% pions ~15% kaons ~10% baryons STAR white paper Nucl Phys A757 (05) 102 Average multiplicity of hadron j (Boltzmann) T chemical

Christina Markert 22 nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March Hadronic Re-scattering and Regeneration Life-time [fm/c] :  (1520) = 13  (1020) = 45 time chemical freeze-out   p       p p signal lost kinetic freeze-out signal measured late decay signal measured re-scattering regeneration [1] Soff et al., J.Phys G27 (2001) 449 [2] M.Bleicher et al. J.Phys G30 (2004) 111 Depends on: hadronic phase density hadronic phase lifetime Regeneration: statistical hadronic recombination UrQMD: Signal loss in invariant mass reconstruction  (1520)  SPS (17 GeV) [1] 50% 26% RHIC (200GeV) [2] 30% 23%

Christina Markert 22 nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March  (1520) Results in p+p and Pb+Pb at SPS  (1520)/  in p+p and Pb+Pb C. Markert for the NA49 collaboration, QM2001 NA49 Experiment Fit to NA49 data hep-ph/ [Becattini et al.: hep-ph/ ] Thermal model does not described  (1520)/  ratio UrQMD: rescattering of decay particle  signal loss in invariant mass reconstruction  (1520) = 50%,  = 26%  Hadronic phase after chemical freeze-out preliminary

Christina Markert 22 nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March Resonance Signals in p+p and Au+Au collisions from STAR K(892)   (1520) p+p Au+Au  (1385) p+p Au+Au  (1020) p+p Au+Au p+p   K(892)  K+   (1232)  p+   (1020)  K + K  (1520)  p + K  (1385)   + 

Christina Markert 22 nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March  * and  * show rescattering  * shows regeneration Regeneration/Rescattering cross section:  p)         Interactions of Resonance in Hadronic Nuclear Medium [1] P. Braun-Munzinger,PLB 518(2001) 41, priv. communication [2] Marcus Bleicher and Jörg Aichelin Phys. Lett. B530 (2002) 81. M. Bleicher and Horst Stöcker J. Phys.G30 (2004) 111. Life-time [fm/c] :     Preliminary UrQMD  =10±3 fm/c 

Christina Markert 22 nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March Temperature and “Life-time” from K* and  * (STAR) Model includes: Temperature at chemical freeze-out “Life-time” between chemical and thermal freeze-out By comparing two particle ratios (no regeneration) Lambda1520 T= 160 MeV   > 4 fm/c K(892) T = 160 MeV   > 1.5 fm/c  (1520)/  =  at 10% most central Au+Au K*/K - = 0.23  0.05 at 0-10% most central Au+Au G. Torrieri and J. Rafelski, Phys. Lett. B509 (2001) 239 Life time: K(892) = 4 fm/c  (1520) = 13 fm/c

Christina Markert 22 nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March Lifetime of Nuclear Medium T chemical  t > 4 fm/c resonances t ~ 10 fm/c (HBT) Partonic phase  < 6 fm/c C. Markert, G. Torrieri, J. Rafelski, hep-ph/ STAR  delta lifetime > 4fm/c Lifetime from: Balance function ?

Christina Markert 22 nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March Signal Loss in Low p T Region Inverse slope increase from p+p to Au+Au collisions. UrQMD predicts signal loss at low p T due to rescattering of decay daughters.  Inverse slopes T and mean  p T  are higher. Flow would increase  p T  of higher masse particles stronger.   p T  UrQMD  140 MeV  90 MeV  35 MeV p+p Au+Au K(892) flow  p T  Preliminary

Christina Markert 22 nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March R AA of Resonances (with rescattering) K(892) are lower than K s 0 (and  pt < 2.0 GeV factor of 2 K(892) more suppressed in AA than K s 0

Christina Markert 22 nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March Nuclear Modification Factor R dAu 1.K* is lower than Kaons in low pt d+Au no medium  no rescattering why K* suppression in d+Au ?  * follows h+- and lower than protons.

Christina Markert 22 nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March Mean p T ≠ early freeze-out ? Resonance are regenerating close to kinetic feeze-out  we measure late produced  (1385) How is elliptic flow v 2 effected ?

Christina Markert 22 nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March Resonances v 2 and NCQ Scaling Test Elliptic flow v 2 p T (GeV)  Fluid dynamics calculations (zero viscosity) describe data p T < 2 GeV Do Resonances show same mass splitting ?  Number of Constituent Quark (NCQ) scaling at intermediate p T (2= mesons, 3= baryons)  indication of partonic degrees of freedom Regenerated resonances–final state interactions NCQ = 5 (  * =  +  =3+2) C. Nonaka, et al., Phys.Rev.C69: ,2004

Christina Markert 22 nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March  elliptic flow v 2 in minbias Au+Au 200 GeV 2(  -  ) dN/d(  -  )  signal Bg of  invmass v 2 =12±2% v 2 =16±0.04%  p T = GeV Inv mass (K + K - ) Elliptic flowReaction plane Kaon p < 0.6 GeV

Christina Markert 22 nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March v 2 of phi resonance in Au+Au 200GeV  has long lifetime 45fm/c  less rescattering or regeneration Elliptic flow of Φ-meson is close to Ks Delta resonance ? STAR Preliminary

Christina Markert 22 nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March Resonance Response to Medium Tc partons hadrons Baryochemical potential (Pressure) Temperature Quark Gluon Plasma ( perfect liquid) Hadron Gas T Freeze Shuryak QM04 Resonances below and above Tc:  Gluonic bound states (e.g. Glueballs) Shuryak hep-ph/  Survival of mesonic heavy quark resonances Rapp et al., hep-ph/  Initial deconfinement conditions: Determine T initial through J/  and  state (+resonance states) dissociation  Chiral symmetry restoration Mass and width of resonances ( e.g.  leptonic vs hadronic decay, chiral partners  and a 1 )  Hadronic time evolution From hadronization (chemical freeze-out) to kinetic freeze-out.

Christina Markert 22 nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March Chiral Symmetry Restoration Ralf Rapp (Texas A&M) J.Phys. G31 (2005) S217-S230 VacuumAt T c : Chiral Restoration Hendrik van Hees (talk) Measure chiral partners Near critical temperature Tc (e.g.  and a 1 ) Data: ALEPH Collaboration R. Barate et al. Eur. Phys. J. C4 409 (1998) a 1  +  TOF cut |1/  -1| < 0.03 STAR: electron hadron separation with Time of Flight upgrade STAR Experiment

Christina Markert 22 nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March Resonances from Jets to Probe Chirality  Bourquin and Gaillard Nucl. Phys. B114 (1976) T=170 MeV,  T  =0 Leading hadrons Medium away near   In p+p collisions resonances are predominantly formed as “leading particles” in jets. Comparison of mass, width and yield of resonances from jets (no medium) with resonances from bulk (medium) jets ?

Christina Markert 22 nd Winter Workshop, San Diego, March Summary Hadronic resonances help to separate hadronic from partonic lifetime Ranking of rescattering over regeneration cross section in medium. Low pt R AA behavior confirms rescattering hypothesis. (R dAu puzzle?) v 2 of long lived resonances seems to follow stable particle trends (confirmation of NCQ scaling) Exciting future program: resonance in jets.