1 Pendahuluan Pertemuan 1 s.d 2 Matakuliah: A0134/Audit Operasional Tahun: 2006
2 Uncertainty and Contradiction The business arena is changing and at an accelerating pace.
3 Managers make decisions in an environment where there are no longer fixed landmarks, indicating future business solutions.
4 The Free Trade Agreement between the United States, Canada and Mexico means that a foreign company can now buy manufacturing capacity and capitalise on cheap labour in Mexico and distribute its products through an Canadian company, all within the same tariff zone. In South-East Asia, between Singapore and Malaysia, there is virtually an integrated market in operation. It seems likely, too that between China, Japan and Korea some form of closer integration will emerge.
5 Achieving the Right Balance Change must be managed: even if the changes which the market place requires strike at the fundamental focus and structure of a company.
6 A series of challenges have to be faces: the biggest fear is fear itself.
7 If the challenges are not met, then the company loses its competitive edge.
8 Clear, focused perceptions of the road along which the company is travelling, and the shortest, least expensive method of getting there, are vital.
9 Managing change is managing risk.
10 Change brings uncertainty, and no matter how reliable a company’s economic forecasts or market research might be, there is still a substantial element of risk.
11 See Fig p. 7
12 Managing change requires balance. Each company is a unique combination of skill, culture and organisation.
13 No two companies have the same resources, the same assets; they never sell an identical range of products.
14 So effective management of change is a question of achieving the right balance for each individual company.
15 The Right Man for the Right Job There is no such thing as the perfect manager: the vital choice is the right man for the right job.
16 The skill requirements of most companies are already changing.
17 The move from specialist to generalist managers will surely increase; managers will also, increasingly, be trained to manage change.
18 A revolution is occurring in management thinking.
19 A time of change is a time of unique business opportunities.
20 Companies will have to adopt a more focused strategy; they will have to allocate sources appropriately and with realistic expectations. They will have to emphasise their core business: all this implies having a customer oriented strategy, not an industrial policy.