Lets see how much we don’t remember about Colonies American Revolution – yes, we covered this Early Republic – when the US started Baker’s Choice Andrew Jacksonian Era
- What was the first form of representative government in America? Row Question
- Virginia House of Burgesses Row Answer
- First colony to initiate the practice of religious tolerance for Christians Row Question
- Maryland Row Answer
- Name given to people who first came to the colonies under a work contract that lasted 5-7 years Row Question
- Indentured Servants Row Answer
- Leader of the very strict religious based Massachusetts Bay colony Row Question
- John Winthrop Row Answer
- A name for the voyage African slaves took from Africa to the colonies as part of Triangular Trade Row Question
- Middle Passage Row Answer
- Boundary line created and enforced by King George III after the French and Indian War to keep the colonists controlled in their original boundaries Row Question
- Proclamation Line of 1763 Row Answer
- The Royal Parliament argued that colonists did not have the right to argue “no taxation without representation” because they already had “this” in Parliament Row Question
- Virtual Representation Row Answer
Row Question - The “last straw” acts that were passed by Parliament on the colonists as a result of the Boston Tea Party that encouraged support of a revolution
- Coercive or “Intolerable” Acts Row Answer
Row Question - Name of the Congress responsible for asking Thomas Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence
- 2 nd Continental Congress Row Answer
- Leader of the Sons of Liberty that encouraged independence from Britain Row Question
- Sam Adams Row Answer
- Name at least three major weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation Row Question
- No power to tax, raise a federal army, could not control trade b/n states or other countries, no executive or judicial branch, etc. Row Answer
- Compromise that created the structure of the federal government we still use today Row Question
- Great Compromise (aka Connecticut Compromise) Row Answer
- Three characteristics of the Federalist Party headed by Alexander Hamilton Row Question
- Favored the rich, educated, supported a national bank, loose interpretation of the government, supported manufacturing, Pro-Britain Row Answer
- Name of the first President to ask Congress to declare war against another country Row Question
- James Madison Row Answer
- Time period where there was political harmony under one political party (Democratic- Republicans) Row Question
- Era of Good Feelings Row Answer
- Forced march of Cherokee Indians westward as a result of the Indian Removal Act of 1830 Row Question
- Trail of Tears Row Answer
- A philosophy pioneered by Ralph Waldo Emerson in the 1830's and 1840's, in which each person has direct communication with God and Nature, and there is no need for organized churches Row Question
- Transcendentalism Row Answer
- Nickname of the taxes passed upon the South that caused South Carolina to first talk about secession Row Question
- Tariff of Abominations Row Answer
- Name for the agreement to have Henry Clay persuade Congress to vote for John Quincy Adams for President instead of Andrew Jackson and in return JQA would make Clay the Sec. of State Row Question
- Corrupt Bargain Row Answer
- Came from France to America in 1831, observed democracy in government and society. His book, “Democracy in America” discusses the advantages and disadvantages of democracy and consequences of the majority's unlimited power. First to raise topics of American practicality over theory, the industrial aristocracy, and the conflict between the masses and individuals. Row Question
- Alexis de Tocqueville Row Answer
- When I was born I was big but the older I get the smaller I am. What am I? Row Question
- A Candle Row Answer
- What is the worst movie I saw over the winter break? Row Question
- JOY – most BORING movie in the history of movies. Row Answer
- Why were the early days of history called the Dark Ages? Row Question
- Because there were so many knights…wah wah waaaah Row Answer
- What group sings/raps a song about Paul Revere’s ride to warn the British are coming? Row Question
-The Beastie Boys Row Answer
- What music artist am I sick of hearing in my house right now…over and over…my daughter just cant seem to shake it off and stop listening? Row Question
- Taylor Swift Row Answer