Welcome! Take a slip of paper for each of the ideas you brought: pedagogy, content and technology tool Place your idea in the appropriate cup.
Leadership in Technology Integration using TPACK
Outcomes We will discuss the definition of technology integration. We will explore how TPACK can influence our choices as we integrate technology. We will think about our role as technology leaders in our schools. We will create a simple technology lesson idea by integrating content, pedagogy, and technology.
Our Professional Development Norms We will start and end on time. We will actively listen to each other’s ideas and opinions. We will work from documents that have been provided at least 48 hours ahead of time. We will remain focused on the topic or task. We will actively participate in learning.
PD Wiki
MASL Conference 2014 Jennifer Lagarde
How to Survive the Zombie Librarian Apocalypse
What do you think about zombie librarians?
I Don’t Do Technology
Define Technology Integration Effective integration of technology is achieved when students are able to select technology tools to help them obtain information in a timely manner, analyze and synthesize the information, and present it professionally. The technology should become an integral part of how the classroom functions – as accessible as all other classroom tools. NETS ISTE
Digital Literacy
How do we know we are teaching digital literacy effectively? Know your level of competence. – Entry: Teacher begins to use technology tools to deliver curriculum to students. – Adoption: The teacher directs students in the conventional and procedural use of technology tools. – Adaptation: The teacher facilitates students in exploring and independently using technology tools. – Infusion: The teacher provides the learning context and the students choose the technology tools to achieve the outcome. – Transformational: The teacher encourages the innovative use of technology tools. Technology tools are used to facilitate higher order learning activities that may not have been possible without the use of technology.
Targeting Digital Technologies in Common Core Standards: A Framework for Professional Development What was your “aha”!
Targeting Digital Technologies in Common Core Standards: A Framework for Professional Development Exposure to understanding text features: – Beginner: Tumblebooks vs. Nonfiction Text using Venn diagram – Intermediate: Review a digital school newsletter for text features. Use highlighting tool in Word. – Advanced: Use MarkUp to demonstrate how to identify key features of informational text.
What is TPACK?
How is TPACK Useful to Me? Pedagogical Knowledge: – Your knowledge of the kinds of activities you might use in a lesson. Content Knowledge: – Your knowledge of how to represent a particular topic. Technology Knowledge: – Your ability to use emerging technologies.
How is TPACK Useful to Me? Pedagogical Content Knowledge: – The teacher combines knowledge of activities/strategies/techniques (pedagogies) and knowledge of how to represent content in order to facilitate student learning.
How is TPACK Useful to Me? Technological Content Knowledge: – The teacher has knowledge of content specific technologies. This knowledge is independent of pedagogy. (graphing calculators, looking at content through a technology lens)
How is TPACK Useful to Me? Technological Pedagogical Knowledge: – The teacher can use emerging technologies to motivate students or to engage students in collaboration. This is independent from content.
How is TPACK Useful to Me? Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: TPACK – the sweet spot – The teacher’s ability to coordinate the use of subject specific activities, with topic-specific representations, using emerging technologies to facilitate student learning. The sliding nature of TPACK. Balancing content, pedagogy and technology. Powerful learning.
How to Play Choose a Content Standard, Pedagogy, and Technology Think about how you could combine the three to create a lesson If the technology tool is impossible to integrate or if the content area is one that no one at your table knows anything about – simply choose again! Write the best integrations on your poster paper to share with the group.