The Strath Haven High School Guidance department We use the Naviance Guidance software program to further enhance our services to students.
Naviance is a web-based career and college search planning tool that allows students to take interest and personality inventories
The Do What You Are personality inventory (based on the Myers-Briggs 16 personality types) asks students to respond to a series of situations by indicating which person in a given scenario they are most like. After completion, the students receive their personality profiles: Attitudes: extraversion/introversion (E/I) Functions: sensing/intuition (S/N) and thinking/feeling (T/F) Lifestyle: judgment/perception (J/P)
The Do What You Are inventory results are then linked to related career clusters. Students explore and research career possibilities
Next, students conduct college searches
Students and parents Research Financial Aid & $cholarship opportunities October – Davidson College Fin aid night FAFSA Completion night – January 2015 Financial Aid Panel – February 2015
Students and families can investigate, research, track, and plan for the college admission/post high school experience process from home. 83% of Strath Haven graduates attend a four- year college 11% community college/trade or technical schools 6% Gap year, military, employment
Class of 2015: enrolled and using Naviance to apply to post-secondary institutions ( Includes transcripts & teacher rec letters) Class of 2016: introduced to Naviance through classroom guidance sessions during Health/PE classes. Follow up sessions this winter. All students in the class of 2017 will be introduced to Naviance by February 2015.
Scattergrams will be available for students in the next few weeks. What is a scattergram? A graph plotted with prior students’ statistical information (no personal identifiers) who gained admission to particular schools. For example: A SHHS student with a gpa of 3.95, test scores of ACT 35, SAT 2350, was admitted to the University of Pennsylvania.
Guidance Counselor Configuration 6 through 9 Counselor Assignment to Counselors
Standardized testing options ACT PLAN is administered to every sophomore in the spring PLAN is normed for sophomores Appropriate math content ACT format is more achievement test oriented, therefore our students seem to do well due to the number of academic credits required at Strath Haven High School
PSAT is available for advanced sophomores PSAT is highly encouraged for ALL juniors Counselors then help students & parents determine which test format best suits their child (ACT vs. SAT) and which testing dates might be optimal (i.e. after a particular course, or if SAT Subjects tests are required). Free practice SAT and ACT tests provided by KAPLAN test prep FREE online course for SAT and ACT
Guidance Tab – School website A WEALTH OF INFORMATION!!
Guidance Secretary & Career Center Coordinator Transcripts processed by Mrs. Clark – Over 3,000 during the school year not counting the mid-year and final grade reports. Career Center Coordinator College visits Scholarship Opportunities AP Sign-up/payment compilation Summer Opportunities Career/College searches, Interest Inventories, Resume building, employment, financial aid, etc.