Cultual dwellings in Constanza The church has always been, throughout the entire Romanian country, the most important evidence of Christian inwardness. Constanza represents a place of confluence between religions,specific customs and traditions, a true craddle for the culture of different ethnic communions which cohabit in this delightful place, unique for its natural landscape, the number of antique vestiges and the wide range of traditions and customs. The cultural assemblies and dwellings in Constanza are individualized by their architectural, artistic value and for their significance in preserving the local religious traditions.
The church, with its patron Saints Apostles Petru and Pavel, was built in Greco-Roman style between
Fresco in a neo-Byzantine style combine with Romanian elements.
Bazilica Sf. Anton It was projected by the architect Romano of Simon and built in 1937, out of brick, instead of an old Catholic church. The architectural style resembles to that of the Roman basilicas from the north of Italy.
The Mosque The most significant building of the Moslem worship, it was built in 1910 instead of an old mosquee from 1822 dedicated to the sultan Mahomed II.
The 47 m high tower, which carries at the top the semilune, the Islam symbol, is built in a Moor style, while the rest of the building and the cupola present a combination between the neo-Byzantine style and Romanian architectural elements.
Among his valuable objects it's a large Persian carpet (490 kilos), a donation of the Turks, one of largest of all Europe.
The Wooden Church In Constanta there is the largest wooden church from the entire country.
The Greek Church The church was built between 1863 and 1865 by the Greek colony in the city, which received the construction approval from sultan Abdul Azis.